Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Annual Business Meeting of Daleside Baptist

    “I move to postpone all business scheduled for tonight to a special called meeting on Wednesday, July 12, 2007 so we can begin setting up decorations for VBS.”

    Pastor Honus Johnson called for the vote. Brother Dale Williams, Head Deacon, raised a point of order that the motion was not seconded, neither was it discussed. Pastor Honus Johnson asked for a second. Brother Randall Miller’s motion was seconded by Brother Dale Williams, Head Deacon.

    Pastor Honus Johnson recognized Brother Jasper Gephard, Treasurer. Brother Gephard stood up to give the financial report and began by stating that the General Fund contained $4,198.38 as of June 30, 2007. Brother Randall Miller, Fellowship Chairman, raised a point of order that his motion had not been voted on. Pastor Honus Johnson asked that everyone who was in favor say “Amen.” After many “Amens,” Brother Lane Steve, Song Leader, questioned why the vote was taken on the Treasurer’s report before it was fully presented. Since it was unclear what had just been voted on, Brother Dale Williams, Head Deacon, suggested that we return to a discussion of Brother Randall Miller’s original motion.

    That’s just the beginning… click here to read more at the TomintheBox website!

    I don't know how they did it, but TomintheBox was able to get a copy of the minutes from the Daleside Baptist Church's regular July business meeting. I reminded me of growing up in a small baptist church. See if any of this rings a bell for you: The congregation of approximately 22 men, women, and children 12 and older met in the sanctuary. Pastor Honus Johnson opened the meeting with prayer. We sang the 1st, 2nd, and 4th verses of Sweet Hour of Prayer, led by Brother Lane Steve, Song Leader. Motion presented by Brother Randall Miller, Fellowship Chairman...

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    1. BPO India on Tue, April 05, 2011

      Might be the business meet will better for in case the revenue for the upcoming year to make a profit.

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