Are You Ordaining Every Christ Follower?
- Posted on February 09, 2010
- Viewed 721 times
- (7) comments

Dave Ferguson, pastor of Community Christian Church in Chicago, gave an passionate plea to Verge conference attendees last week: "Ordain every Christ Follower".
From the Christian Post:
Preaching from the New Testament, he told members of the church, "You are a royal priesthood. ... You're a priest. As a priest there's a particular people or there's a particular place that God has called you to."
The Chicago pastor invited those who felt God's calling to come forward to be anointed. A couple thousand people came forward, named the people or place (neighbors, co-workers, underprivileged children, etc.) they felt called to go and share Christ with, and were "ordained."
Encouraging church leaders to foster an apostolic environment and build a church community where everyone carries the divine calling of reaching and saving the lost, Ferguson challenged fellow pastors to "ordain every Christ follower."
What do you think?
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Pastor Matt on Tue, February 09, 2010
Anyone that knows me will know I’m all up for this kind of thing. Ordination in an institutional sense should really just be an affirmation of what God is already doing with someone.
Peter Hamm on Tue, February 09, 2010
As long as w understand that it doesn’t mean that everybody is a pastor or elder (and if they’re smart, they don’t all want to be). My experience is that some believers who think this way can end up making the mistaken assumption that they are all called into “full-time ministry” (not understanding that the role of the pastor is to equip people for works of ministry, not to do all the ministry).
I actually think the “non-church-professional” has a much greater kingdom impact in our world, and should indeed be “ordained” to serve and love their communities, workplaces, and homes for Christ. So, yeah… I’m for it, big time, and knowing CCC, they no doubt give an accurate picture of what this “ordination” means.
Todd Bergman on Tue, February 09, 2010
At many of our youth summer camps we have integrated a commissioning service as our last worship service. While not an ordination in the fullest sense, we impart the duty to take the gospel experience back and share it within their spheres of influence.
CindyK on Tue, February 09, 2010
What if their ‘assumption’ is not mistaken, what if they ARE called to full time ministry? What if they are called to go forth into the nations as missionaries, what if they are called to plant churches?
What’s wrong with that?
Maybe they are called?
CS on Tue, February 09, 2010
“As long as w understand that it doesn�t mean that everybody is a pastor or elder (and if they�re smart, they don�t all want to be).”
You hit the nail on the head. Many of these people also don’t have a level of knowledge in how to act in an, “ordained,” role, and it could be empowering some foolish behavior if the church isn’t careful.
“Ferguson challenged fellow pastors to “ordain every Christ follower.”“
I’d rather they ordain every Christian, but that’s just my bias. =)
Peter Hamm on Tue, February 09, 2010
Yes, some are, but in all honesty, the majority (vast majority) of Christians (for you, CS… as opposed to Christ-followers) who tell me they think they are called to full-time ministry are not imho (and others)... unless you count their “secular” job, which I do. In short, they feel that unless they work in the church or a para-church organization, they aren’t working for God. Nothing could be further from the truth.
And that is from someone (myself) who only entered the “full-time ministry” profession at age 41. Before that, I worked at a “secular job” and my day-to-day impact for the Kingdom was greater. So I know that some people need to “switch”, but again, it’s not most of the people who think they do.
Jesse Phillips on Thu, February 18, 2010
I agree with Dave,
we are all called to ministry. We all have gifts, we are all responsible for loving our neighbor, being a living sacrifice, using our gifts & talents, seeking first the Kingdom & on & on.
Unfortunately, we don’t live like this at all. Hardly any of us look like Christ & most of us are just trying to find a good job, get married, have kids, go on vacations - doing very little “ministry” with our lives. As a result, the Kingdom suffers & the Church is dying.
I think we need to emphasize the responsibility of every believer & empower them as well. i think we need a flatter structure, less sitting in pews, more doing. More life connecting, discipleship, emphasis on loving, doing, sharing, submitting, renewing, etc. Less listening to sermons, more practicing loving others.
I think we’re straight-up killing the Church, sadly, by the way we do church. =.(
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