Benny, Benny, Benny…
- Posted on July 27, 2010
- Viewed 6214 times
- (64) comments

I'm sure that most of you have at least heard of the latest, greatest TV evangelist scandal. The National Enquirer is reporting that Benny Hinn and Paula White are having an affair. This is a charge that both TV evangelists firmly deny... kinda.
Here are a few thoughts.
1. I know, I know... it's the National Enquirer. But say that to John Edwards.
2. Benny's still married. His wife recently filed for divorce. Paula is divorced. Twice.
3. Both say that nothing inappropriate happened and that there is no immorality.
4. Both were spotted in Italy, hand-in-hand. The Enquirer supposedly has pictures of them entering a hotel room together.
5. Both Benny and Paula admit that they were in Italy at the same time recently, and that they were together, but 'were never alone and were in constant company of staff and other associates". The pictures, however, suggest differently.
6. Both Benny and Paula took different transportation to Rome; and were both there on separate ministry assignments... at the Vatican. (This sounds just a little fishy to me. What is the Vatican doing talking to either of these people for? Seriously?
7. Benny Hinn posted a response on his website that pretty much said that he does have some feelings for Paula White; but they have decided to 'cool' it, at least publically until the divorce is final. This statement has now been removed from Hinn's website. In fact, it was replaced with a video of Benny asking his supporters to help catch up on $2 million dollars worth of bills.
8. I think most people aren't really interested. I think church people want to stay as far away from this as possible. And I think unchurched just look at it and figure it's normal. I'm not in the Hinn/White circles, so I don't know what the response is there; but let's face it... both of these ministries (and their followers) are used to dealing with divorces, charges of financial misconduct (both ministries are being investigated for that), and misc. other charges over the years. It could be to them (personally), and their followers, just another day.
9. I'm glad that my wife confuses Benny Hinn and Benny Hill. That makes me smile.
Seriously though... I wish that things like this just didn't happen. But they do. In fact, there's not anything that will surprise me any more. Evangelical (I use that term loosely) scandals these days are so much more complicated. It used to be that a fall from grace just meant that you had an affair. Now, it's not a scandal unless you have a gay prostitute, you beat your spouse in a parking lot, or you get caught holding hands with another evangelist while your still married. It seems like everyone keeps setting the bar a little higher.
The bar of offense has been raised; but the bar of forgiveness has been lowered. Every one of the recent scandals I'm thinking about have the people involved immediately (or almost immediately) back in ministry. Some never left the ministry for a minute. Most have little or no accountability; or scrap their accountability structure when they fall. They find that there are always enough followers to keep them going. So, they start afresh.
Actually, it disgusts me.
Your thoughts?
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CS on Tue, July 27, 2010
It’s a story about non-Christians behaving as non-Christians, ultimately. Unfortunately, they chose to join both of their names to Christ, which winds up dragging Jesus and Christians through the mud.
William Dicks on Tue, July 27, 2010
It is truly sad that the name of Christ is dragged through the mud by these charlatans and heretics.
However, they need to be exposed for who they are!
Scott Couchenour on Tue, July 27, 2010
What we NEED is a thread of accountability and protection on an individual level woven into the fabric of our own unique journeys. If this story is true, it didin’t happen all of a sudden. It was a result of a series of small choices…
Todd Rhoades on Tue, July 27, 2010
EXACTLY! That’s what stories like this do for me. How do I make sure that I don’t get caught up in something like this? Obviously, it happens. It happened to one of my best friends right under my nose, and I didn’t have a clue.
Quite possibly… probably… most definitely… that’s why I’m so passionate about these types of stories and the ramifications they have on local ministry. I’ve lived it! I’ve seen the harm.
Regular Guy on Tue, July 27, 2010
I, too, agree with your response Todd.
To John, my opinion of the source is this: they have proven themselves in the past by reporting, truthfully, other well-known people having affairs. To say that it is “slander” just because it’s from the National Enquirer is missing the boat. If we use that criteria, we could certainly discount all major alphabet news outlets (ie. Dan Rather and forged docs., NBC rigging trucks to explode, etc.)
To me, when a minister goes through a divorce, they should step down from all ministry, not continue in their ministry as though nothing happened.
To those who still choose to follow, my personal opinion (and this is MY opinion!) is they are following the person, not Christ. You may see thing differently, but affairs, adultery, etc. all disqualify you from continuing in ministry.
That’s MY opinion. Todd, love the website. If John really stops following your feed b/c of this story, I will GLADLY start taking this feed!
Michael on Tue, July 27, 2010
One more time…
jerry k on Tue, July 27, 2010
I wonder if John will do away with MSNBC, CNN, FOX, and all the rest when they start reporting this distastful bit of possiblitities?
In this day of instant news and gossip, we had better be aware of what is being reported, because like it or not, it can affect our ministries. When Bud or Sue, in the new Christians class, asked about a scandel involving the faith, I want to have as much info as possible to be able to answer Bud and Sue’s questions. I do not want to be caught unaware, if possible.
JL on Tue, July 27, 2010
Maybe we should be focusing on statistics like these and what we can do to prevent them since they affect all ministers, not just high profile guys like Benny Hinn who has been in public ministry for 35 years.
Peter Hamm on Tue, July 27, 2010
I think you nailed it…
Seriously, the more I read God’s Word, the less things that people like Paula and Benny say seem to connect with it at all.
I wish they’d go away, but I wish more that people didn’t think because they joined their names and causes publicly to Christ (at least in words), that I’m somehow connected with them.
I feel like every time I tell somebody I’m a Christian I have to do all this damage control to make sure they understand what that means.
Todd Rhoades on Tue, July 27, 2010
Tampa Bay Online: Televangelist Denies Affair:
Toronto Star: Married Benny Hinn Romantically Linked to Healer—married-toronto-preacher-benny-hinn-romantically-linked-to-healer
Christian Broadcasting Network story:
It isn’t just the National Enquirer picking up on this story at this point.
Christopher Fontenot on Tue, July 27, 2010
I don’t believe this story hampers the ministry of true Christians at all. Our primary responsibility as the clay pots which hold the treasures of heaven is to give away the free gift we were given. Benny Hinn nor any of the minions of false teachers who run in this circle will never prevail against the Church or Christ Himself.
For those who are concerned about the “bad light” this may shine on Christianity, let me remind you that we are to call these people out for who they are. Had that been done from the start, Benny Hinn (as he is today) would be a by-word and in now way connected to true believers.
Scott Couchenour on Tue, July 27, 2010
CS on Tue, July 27, 2010
“Maybe we should be focusing on statistics like these and what we can do to prevent them since they affect all ministers, not just high profile guys like Benny Hinn who has been in public ministry for 35 years.”
Here’s how we do it:
-Make sure people who claim to be pastors qualify for the role of pastor according to 1 Timothy 3 and Titus. If they don’t, we tell everyone who will listen to us that they should get away from those churches.
-Make sure people who claim to be pastors preach the Gospel. This is in contrast to the nonsense that people like Hinn and White spew. If they don’t, we mark them (Romans 16:17) and tell people to have no affiliation from them, especially because it seems that those who preach another Gospel are the ones who seem to fall into these traps—Bentley, Haggard, Lamb, etc.
-Make sure pastors adhere to James 5:16 as a part of 1 Timothy 3:7. Pastors need to have the blessing of other pastors, and they need to be accountable to them. If they do not have this support system nor do they have a good report, then they should be cautioned at the least, asked to step down at the most.
Scott Couchenour on Tue, July 27, 2010
Harness the frustration and anger this sort of thing produces. Use the energy to invest back into our own personal accountability network with greater resolve….
Scott Couchenour on Tue, July 27, 2010
I wonder how many reading this post (and commenting) have an active, dynamic accountability network ... or at the very least, an accountability partner as part of their personal journey.
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