Benny, Benny, Benny…
- Posted on July 27, 2010
- Viewed 6212 times
- (64) comments

I'm sure that most of you have at least heard of the latest, greatest TV evangelist scandal. The National Enquirer is reporting that Benny Hinn and Paula White are having an affair. This is a charge that both TV evangelists firmly deny... kinda.
Here are a few thoughts.
1. I know, I know... it's the National Enquirer. But say that to John Edwards.
2. Benny's still married. His wife recently filed for divorce. Paula is divorced. Twice.
3. Both say that nothing inappropriate happened and that there is no immorality.
4. Both were spotted in Italy, hand-in-hand. The Enquirer supposedly has pictures of them entering a hotel room together.
5. Both Benny and Paula admit that they were in Italy at the same time recently, and that they were together, but 'were never alone and were in constant company of staff and other associates". The pictures, however, suggest differently.
6. Both Benny and Paula took different transportation to Rome; and were both there on separate ministry assignments... at the Vatican. (This sounds just a little fishy to me. What is the Vatican doing talking to either of these people for? Seriously?
7. Benny Hinn posted a response on his website that pretty much said that he does have some feelings for Paula White; but they have decided to 'cool' it, at least publically until the divorce is final. This statement has now been removed from Hinn's website. In fact, it was replaced with a video of Benny asking his supporters to help catch up on $2 million dollars worth of bills.
8. I think most people aren't really interested. I think church people want to stay as far away from this as possible. And I think unchurched just look at it and figure it's normal. I'm not in the Hinn/White circles, so I don't know what the response is there; but let's face it... both of these ministries (and their followers) are used to dealing with divorces, charges of financial misconduct (both ministries are being investigated for that), and misc. other charges over the years. It could be to them (personally), and their followers, just another day.
9. I'm glad that my wife confuses Benny Hinn and Benny Hill. That makes me smile.
Seriously though... I wish that things like this just didn't happen. But they do. In fact, there's not anything that will surprise me any more. Evangelical (I use that term loosely) scandals these days are so much more complicated. It used to be that a fall from grace just meant that you had an affair. Now, it's not a scandal unless you have a gay prostitute, you beat your spouse in a parking lot, or you get caught holding hands with another evangelist while your still married. It seems like everyone keeps setting the bar a little higher.
The bar of offense has been raised; but the bar of forgiveness has been lowered. Every one of the recent scandals I'm thinking about have the people involved immediately (or almost immediately) back in ministry. Some never left the ministry for a minute. Most have little or no accountability; or scrap their accountability structure when they fall. They find that there are always enough followers to keep them going. So, they start afresh.
Actually, it disgusts me.
Your thoughts?
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Richard on Tue, July 27, 2010
Every profession, discipline, and/or organization have had sociopaths in their midst. Since the dawn of time. Be wise and discerning.
Carey Ann on Tue, July 27, 2010
I have absolutely NO problem “sticking my head in the sand” when it comes to things that have not been proven to be factual & are very, VERY damaging. Add to that the fact that—- true or untrue—- we could all easily become pawns of satan over this, and I want none of it. Just my two cents.
Carey Ann on Tue, July 27, 2010
One more thought: yes, “The Inquirer” HAS gotten some things right. But, it’s kind of like this:
A dad’s at home with his son who has a friend staying overnight. The friend brought over a movie (substitute video game, CD, magazine, whatever you want) with him. When the boys wanted to watch the movie, the son knew he had to ask permission (as we should ask from God). The movie’s case indicated that the movie contained profanity, violence, and other negative elements. Overall, the plot was great! It taught a good story! But, the dad said no. “But, daaadd!!!” So, the boys went into the son’s room and found something else to do. A little while later, they started wondering what smelled so good. Upon entering the kitchen, they found the dad making CHOCOLATE BROWNIES—- the son’s favourite! His dad really had a way with those brownies, too. As he was icing them, the boys could hardly wait! FINALLY, they got to sit down & eat a brownie. They were SO happy! Dad asks if they’re good. “Oh, YEAH!!!” the boys exclaim. He then proceeds to tell them that he used a secret ingredient. After much begging, he finally tells them, “I put just a *little* bit of dog poop in the mix. Overall, they’re the same brownies! Just a bit of nastiness, that’s all.” You can imagine from there.
Tabloids are “poopy brownies.” I’m ashamed at the other media for reporting this. If it’s true, it’ll come out. If it’s not, we should be ashamed, and we’ll owe Hinn & White personal apologies as their Brothers & Sisters. Until the smoke clears (if there is smoke), it is none of our business. None.
Christopher Fontenot on Tue, July 27, 2010
Carey Ann,
If we tell a tree by its fruit then what fruit is produced by Paula White’s third divorce?...or Benny’s false prophecy?...or the financial scandals that surround the both of them? I don’t call Paula White or Benny Hinn a brother or sister because the fruit I see is that of the devil. You can’t ride both sides of the fence when it comes to Jesus Christ. Either you are for Him or you are against Him….either you are gathering or you are scattering. Until Paula White, Benny Hinn, Rod Parsley, Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Juanita Bynum, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long, Myles Munroe, Tony Campolo, Pat Robertson, Paul and Jan Crouch, Tommy Tenney, Bruce Wilkinson, Marilyn Hickey, Perry Stone, Ed Young, Jentezen Franklin, RW Shambach, Fred Price, Rodney Howard Browne, Jack Van Impe, Robert Tilton, Mark Charonna, and Todd Bentley repent, I cannot call them brothers or sisters in Christ. To do so would be to give credence to what the preach and I cannot do that
You wrote: “Your decisions affect not only people�s lives, but their eternal destinies. If you screw up, it could be the tipping point for someone to give up on all things spiritual.”
This seems to me to deny the sovereignty of God in salvation. I’m thankful that the destiny of the soul of anyone to whom I share the Gospel is squarely in the hands of Almighty God and not mine. I cannot boast in the salvation of anyone (including my own) nor can I stand in the way. Though I take very seriously the responsibility of sharing the Gospel with the lost, I also take comfort in knowing that there is nothing I can do to mess it up so much that God cannot do anything about it.
Colin on Wed, July 28, 2010
Although it greatly saddened me, I am glad that you both wrote this and wrote your response. As one who knew Benny shortly after his conversion, I have followed his life at an embarrassed distance. I remember his fresh zeal for the Lord and deep passionate love for His kingdom. I wish that he was still known just for those things.
We may dislike his style, his theology and his actions, but I am not convinced we can disown him or lose our mandate to pray for him.
Christei Adams on Wed, July 28, 2010
I agree with Artie Davis.
Fred on Wed, July 28, 2010
Benny isn’t some “weird” believer. He is a FAKE and should be exposed as such.
Ronnie on Thu, July 29, 2010
Maybe your heading should be a little less harsh. Instead of Benny, Benny, Benny, why not put, “If’s this true, what can we learn?” I love speding time here! Tks Todd for all that you have done!
PS: I love your respond to John.
Ronnie on Thu, July 29, 2010
Sorry - If this is true, what can we learn?
& Spending time
djreid on Thu, July 29, 2010
This wasn’t just reported in the ‘Enquirer’ but also by the Toronto Star.—married-toronto-preacher-benny-hinn-romantically-linked-to-healer
Shawn Wilson on Thu, July 29, 2010
I love how Chris thinks that He’s knows the spiritual condition of all of the preachers he listed. Since Chris can know the heart of everyone I presume that He is either Christ or pretending to be one.
I think people like Chris do WAY more damage to the cause of Christ because they think that anybody that they disagree with is not only wrong but unsaved and evil.
Really bro? How bout you grow up a little!!!
Christopher Fontenot on Thu, July 29, 2010
@Shawn…Scripture teaches Christians to be discerning. The source of ALL truth for a true Christian is God and He has revealed to us everything we need to know concerning His truth in His inspired Scripture. I am not Christ nor do I ever pretend to be but I do have the mind of Christ which allows me to discern truth from error.
Jude wrote to warn of this in verses 3-4, 18-19.
Peter likewise in 1Peter 5:2, 2Peter 2
Paul warned Timothy of these kinds of people in 2Tim 3:1-9
Galatians 5 lists activities that disqualifies a person from the kingdom of God. Many of these activities can be attributed to most in that list
He also rebuked the congregation in Corinth for their acceptance of false teachers in 2 Corinthians 11: 1-15
2John 9 tells us who has and does not have God. The messages preached by those in this list validates this Scripture.
Jesus taught us to be aware that wolves in sheep’s clothing. These people look like sheep, act like sheep and talk like sheep. They would be “professing Christians” but are nothing but wolves ready to devour the flock…and that is what they are doing. (Matt 7:15-20; 24:11)
So as Jesus said in Matthew 7….what fruit do you see from these? I see the desire for fame and money. I see men charging people to come get “healed” at their healing crusades. I see some charging people to come hear them preach. You never see these so-called “miracle healers” show up at St. Jude Children’s Hospital and clear out the cancer wards. They preach financial prosperity which is not promised in Scripture. They preach authority over the weather (Gloria Copeland) which is only attributed to God in Scripture. They teach giving with the expectation of receiving a multiplied return instead of giving from a cheerful heart. Joel wrote a book “Your Best Life Now”. That title alone betrays his belief in the exceeding riches of eternal life over this one. For the unbeliever…that title is absolutely true because it will never get any better for them than what they have in this life. Their fruit bear them out.
I never said I knew the heart of any of the preachers I listed. Nor did I ever say they were not saved. What I did say is until they repent of their false teaching, I cannot call them brothers/sisters in Christ. Maybe I offended you in that I called someone a false teacher/preacher that you think is really great. Would it be more loving to call out a false teacher or keep silent and let them go on deceiving people?
CS on Thu, July 29, 2010
“I think people like Chris do WAY more damage to the cause of Christ because they think that anybody that they disagree with is not only wrong but unsaved and evil.”
As opposed to the millions of souls who follow after these false teachers and wind up in Hell? Let’s make sure we don’t lose scope of what you’re saying here.
Christopher Fontenot on Thu, July 29, 2010
@Shawn….one more thing. You wrote: �I think people like Chris do WAY more damage to the cause of Christ because they think that anybody that they disagree with is not only wrong but unsaved and evil.�
It’s not a matter of whether I disagree with them or not. I have no saving truth. What matters is if Scripture disagrees with them. If I point out their error in Scripture then their problem is with God, not with me. This is what being discerning is all about. It is not being able to tell right from wrong. It is being able to tell right from ALMOST right.
Carey Ann on Thu, July 29, 2010
@Christopher - There is no hierarchy of sin, my friend. I see what you’re trying to do (call out false teachers), and I’m fine with that, for the most part. But, I don’t think you’re doing it in the right way. God will deal with them & their sins. You & I are no more or less sinful than they are, Chris. Should I look at your life, find something I find unChrist-like, & disown you as my Christian Brother? NO! These people do not need our complacency, but they DO need our love & prayers. They do not need this.
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