Benny, Benny, Benny…
- Posted on July 27, 2010
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- (64) comments

I'm sure that most of you have at least heard of the latest, greatest TV evangelist scandal. The National Enquirer is reporting that Benny Hinn and Paula White are having an affair. This is a charge that both TV evangelists firmly deny... kinda.
Here are a few thoughts.
1. I know, I know... it's the National Enquirer. But say that to John Edwards.
2. Benny's still married. His wife recently filed for divorce. Paula is divorced. Twice.
3. Both say that nothing inappropriate happened and that there is no immorality.
4. Both were spotted in Italy, hand-in-hand. The Enquirer supposedly has pictures of them entering a hotel room together.
5. Both Benny and Paula admit that they were in Italy at the same time recently, and that they were together, but 'were never alone and were in constant company of staff and other associates". The pictures, however, suggest differently.
6. Both Benny and Paula took different transportation to Rome; and were both there on separate ministry assignments... at the Vatican. (This sounds just a little fishy to me. What is the Vatican doing talking to either of these people for? Seriously?
7. Benny Hinn posted a response on his website that pretty much said that he does have some feelings for Paula White; but they have decided to 'cool' it, at least publically until the divorce is final. This statement has now been removed from Hinn's website. In fact, it was replaced with a video of Benny asking his supporters to help catch up on $2 million dollars worth of bills.
8. I think most people aren't really interested. I think church people want to stay as far away from this as possible. And I think unchurched just look at it and figure it's normal. I'm not in the Hinn/White circles, so I don't know what the response is there; but let's face it... both of these ministries (and their followers) are used to dealing with divorces, charges of financial misconduct (both ministries are being investigated for that), and misc. other charges over the years. It could be to them (personally), and their followers, just another day.
9. I'm glad that my wife confuses Benny Hinn and Benny Hill. That makes me smile.
Seriously though... I wish that things like this just didn't happen. But they do. In fact, there's not anything that will surprise me any more. Evangelical (I use that term loosely) scandals these days are so much more complicated. It used to be that a fall from grace just meant that you had an affair. Now, it's not a scandal unless you have a gay prostitute, you beat your spouse in a parking lot, or you get caught holding hands with another evangelist while your still married. It seems like everyone keeps setting the bar a little higher.
The bar of offense has been raised; but the bar of forgiveness has been lowered. Every one of the recent scandals I'm thinking about have the people involved immediately (or almost immediately) back in ministry. Some never left the ministry for a minute. Most have little or no accountability; or scrap their accountability structure when they fall. They find that there are always enough followers to keep them going. So, they start afresh.
Actually, it disgusts me.
Your thoughts?
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Carey Ann on Tue, August 03, 2010
Art: I’m a bit more intellectual than to want “warm fuzzies” on such an issue. That WOULD diminish the message of Christ, yes! We may never know the Truth of this matter this side of Heaven, and by the time I get Home, I won’t be thinking about that.
My point was, God IS Love. We are to show Love to others regardless of race, colour, creed, whatever other label. That includes heretic, false prophet, and the like. I just don’t see many people here talking about how The Body of Christ can reach out to Hinn & White, how we can pray for them, etc. Are they not worthy of that if they’re guilty? I just don’t understand, I guess.
PS - I believe our response plays a crucial role in how big & ugly the scandals get. Just my two cents…
art on Tue, August 03, 2010
Part of the problem with these two (not others) is that they have been approached with the truth issues and turned aside. The actions “exposed” are the fruit of false teaching. The Body of Christ must make sure that the onlookers do not think we approve of their teaching and lifestyles. Love also includes saying NO rejecting what is SIN or there would have been need for the Cross and the incarnation. Art
BB on Tue, August 03, 2010
I hope it becomes fully exposed if it is true. These people have been covered and covered and covered. Maybe it’s time for a Nathan to David experience that says, “You’re the man!” I wish the Body of Christ would stop following these “ministries” that have too many questions about their credibility. I believe God tries to deal with situations without exposing them, but when people continue thinking they are above God’s reaping and sowing, then God has to deal with them. May we all succumb quickly to the dealings of the Holy Spirit in our lives and live like Enoch. ” By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.” Heb. 11:5. Wanting to please the Lord is nou high on people’s list anymore.
eb on Tue, August 03, 2010
I am also disgusted and I am also another wife that mixes up Benny Hill’s and Benny Hinn’s name.
Is it really true? *sigh*
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