Brady Boyd: 10 things I wish someone had told me
- Posted on October 18, 2010
- Viewed 841 times
- (2) comments

My friend Brady Boyd pastors New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO. Recently he sat down and thought about his last fifteen years in ministry. As a result, he jotted down 15 things that he wishes someone would have told him fifteen years ago. If you're just starting out in ministry, consider this a head start on your next fifteen years!
1. Sheep bites can’t kill me, but the gnawing will make life miserable a few days each year.
2. No matter how hard I try, I will always be tempted to measure my success by attendance numbers.
3. The best thing I can do to build and grow God’s kingdom is to be myself and not compare myself to others.
4. It takes a long time to become old friends so nurture and cherish the old friendships God has given me.
5. I will only have as much spiritual authority as I am willing to submit to myself. Independence will destroy me but there is power in submission.
6. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Challenge people to go deeper even when the message is unpopular.
7. My brain will always feel like scrambled eggs on Sunday afternoon so don’t make any major decisions until Tuesday morning.
8. Some people will only trust you after a really long time of proving yourself and another group will never trust you no matter what you do.
9. Don’t feel guilty about taking a Sabbath. It was not a suggestion.
10. I will never regret spending time with my family instead of saying yes to a church meeting that someone else could lead.
You can read more from Pastor Brady's blog right here. He is always posting something that is challenging and informative!
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Leonard on Mon, October 18, 2010
Brady nails it! Love them all but 1, 2, 5 and 9
Peter Hamm on Tue, October 19, 2010
I love 10, too.
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