Brit Hume Tells Tiger Woods: Become a Christian
- Posted on January 04, 2010
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- (21) comments

Did you see Brit Hume on Fox News Sunday yesterday? It was pretty incredible:
What do you think? Good or bad performace by Brit?
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bishopdave on Mon, January 04, 2010
Faith in the workplace. Glad to see someone concerned about Tiget the person as opposed to Tiger the golfer. It may not affect his golfing at all but the concern expressed for what kind of relationship he would have with his children is a blessed thing to hear from a newscaster.
Lori on Mon, January 04, 2010
Wow! May we all be so bold in our evangelism and be passionate to spread the Gospel to those who need to hear this year!
Matt @ The Church of No People on Mon, January 04, 2010
Dang. That’s gutsy. Thanks, Brit, for making me look bad! I might be afraid of someone at work hearing me talk all “religious.” You just did it on national TV.
bob anderson on Mon, January 04, 2010
Brit - Thanks so much for your boldness. It looks like you even surprised the other news people sitting next to you. I like this spin and the care you are giving to tiger the person. So many people and articles are being written about how much money people will lose and how the companies will suffer because of Tiger but nobody seems to care about Tiger. He did wrong. Yes we all do. I am glad that my wrong isn’t published for all to read and watch. If Tiger is sorry for what he did we need to forgive him. I would love to help him get back on track - I believe he can. Our world should let him. Forgiveness is available not just for Tiger but to all of us.
CS on Mon, January 04, 2010
This is an excellent example of how we should all be with sharing our faith. Way to go, Brit, way to go.
clare trowbridge on Mon, January 04, 2010
The sleeping Giant, rhe church at-large, isn’t really asleep, but knows it’s time to be a Voice, as we are Salt and Light! Buddhists worship many Gods, none of whom ever respond. It’s my prayer that this is Tiger Woods’ crises time to cry out to the Lord Who will answer and redeem and set him free, and the outcome will bring Glory to God as Tiger walks with new faith in Jesus Christ the Lord!
Good going, Brit! What a great way to begin the new year~ 2010!
LaPinsky on Mon, January 04, 2010
I have recently learned that God “calls us to obedience” and not to results. Brit the journalist had the opportunity to offer a safe professional journalistic response to the conversation about Tiger Woods. I commend him because he chose to stand in obedience to God and support of his faith. Adda boy Brit.
Now we need to keep in mind that he (Brit) could very well be the new target for what he said on national TV. Let’s keep Brit in our prayers.
Bob Anderson on Mon, January 04, 2010
LaPinsky Post - Good point you are right. We should do exactly that. Pray for Brit!!!
Casey Sabella on Mon, January 04, 2010
Hmmmm. Brit, you will pay dearly for this, unfortunately. Call upon someone to change their religion? Yikes. And yes, I will be paying more attention to your broadcasts…with gratitude.
Eric Nygren on Mon, January 04, 2010
I’m sure that Brit chose his words carefully; I imagine you have to in that business. I wish he would have been a little clearer about what he meant by ‘turn to the Christian faith’. That is such an ambiguous term these days that I’m not sure it communicates all that needs to be said about the gospel. Then again, if I only had 40 seconds to share my thoughts I wonder what I might say.
Tiger, don’t just turn to faith, turn to faith in Jesus Christ.
Bill McKee on Mon, January 04, 2010
Brit- Thank you for your heartfelt appeal. Few people on television have the moral scruples, or courage, to speak the Truth. I commend you for encouraging Tiger to turn to Christ for true redemption and relief from the beast that is determined to destroy humanity.
Kevin on Mon, January 04, 2010
What I have to say is thanks Brit. We as Christians are so afraid to speak about our beliefs yet we sit idly by as many other religions boldly discuss and show open support for theirs. We need to stand and say we are tired of all the politically correct comments and get back to what we know is the truth.
Cuddos to Brit!
Peter Hamm on Mon, January 04, 2010
I didn’t want to like this, I wanted to think it was out of place and inappropriate for the forum. But… I kinda liked it. Sorry he didn’t get as specific as you wanted him to, Eric, I suspect that he was time-constrained and was being careful with his words, so I urge you not to pick them apart too much.
Eric Nygren on Mon, January 04, 2010
You’re right, I don’t want to pick apart his words too much. I was thinking more of what if I were in his shoes. Was this an off-the-cuff statement? Was it planned? I suppose I was thinking if I ever have this kind of opportunity I hope I can say all that needs to be said in such a brief statement. Not really a critique of Brit as much as it is a wake up call for the rest of us.
JAN on Mon, January 04, 2010
Wow! I just tripled in respect for Brit Hume.
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