Brit Hume Tells Tiger Woods: Become a Christian
- Posted on January 04, 2010
- Viewed 4742 times
- (21) comments

Did you see Brit Hume on Fox News Sunday yesterday? It was pretty incredible:
What do you think? Good or bad performace by Brit?
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Christopher Fontenot on Mon, January 04, 2010
You are witnessing the watering of a seed planted in Tiger’s heart about 4 years ago. Mark Cahill, an evangelist and author from Atlanta, had a opportunity to witness to Tiger Woods by way of Charles Barkley. He succeeded in bringing Tiger through the Law and shared the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe, just maybe, if Tiger has heard Brit Hume’s plea to turn to the Savior and forsake his false religion, God will bring to fruition the seed planted some 4 years prior. Above the fame and the media coverage of his sin, nothing would be more spectacular in my opinion. Let us pray that God does exactly that.
sgillesp on Mon, January 04, 2010
Really? My reaction to this was that it was totally out of place. I admire him for being bold, but I doubt it will be at all meaningful to Tiger Woods: first of all, I doubt he’s watching what Fox News thinks of him. Second, you won’t win a hearing from someone by publicly bashing the religion his mother taught him - that’s a recipe for creating major-league defensiveness (as opposed to being in real relationship with someone and letting them come to their own conclusions about the religion they were taught). To me, this doesn’t sound like Christlike love; it sounds like, “if you were more like me, you wouldn’t have messed up.”
But, maybe he said more. And the Holy Spirit uses terrible attempts at evangelism (even mine).
I join Brit in hoping for Tiger to find Jesus and discover true forgiveness and a real new start.
Donna-Jean Breckenridge on Mon, January 04, 2010 In this follow-up with O’Reilly, Brit is more explicit in what he meant by faith in Jesus Christ, and what that faith looks like. Very, very powerful.
Jody Childs on Tue, January 05, 2010
I am so proud that Brit summed up our faith so well and offered the true gift of healing that comes with it. Tigers behavior that has been revealed can lead to all sorts of self loathing and personally destructive behaviors which could lead to an even scarier destination for Tiger than he has found now. Kudos to BRIT to shed light on the true path.
Charley Blom on Tue, January 05, 2010
Tiger, the person, the father, the husband, the golfer. This is a great statement and challenge by Brit. we need more concern for Tiger, his wife and his family. The important thing to me, as in all cases is not what will happen in his profession and work,but what will happen with him and his wife and his children.
I echo what everyone else has said, Would i do as well as Brit did if given that opportunity.
we need to pray for Brit and probably what we all have been doing praying for the Wood family.
Ran on Tue, January 05, 2010
Great job Britt! Not only was it courageous, it is true.
It seems a bit alarming that we are marveling over a comment that was made about christianity, when after all, our nation was founded on Judeo/Christian principles. Have we fallen so far?
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