Christian Racism?
- Posted on April 09, 2010
- Viewed 819 times
- (9) comments

Take a look at this and tell me whether this was an example of Christian Racism...
OK... you have to get past the horrible Christian puppets... but I remember a Christian group that I used to like did this type of a version of Jesus Loves Me. It was always a huge hit. Back in the 80s. But now, if a group were to do that, it would be considered extremely racist, would it not?
What do you think? Is this racist? Or are we just entirely too sensitive these days?
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Pastor Chris on Fri, April 09, 2010
I think that “racist” implies that one race thinks itself best or normal. I think that this absolutely awful video avoids that, but it does truck miserably in stereotypes. And…who needs that these day? This is the Millennial world, after all…let’s mix things up!
Oliver on Fri, April 09, 2010
Not just stereotypes, but I would say negative stereotypes, I mean why draw out the word Blaaaaaack? Why are the puppets really a dingy grey color? Why are a few notes of the 1812 overture played before the “white” puppets sing? Why are the white puppets hillbilly yokels, why do the yellow puppets bow and speak in haltering broken english? Why is jose the puppet late? the last to arrive? You see, the problem is that socially it became unacceptable to call Asians “yellow” and Native Americans “Red” when people began realizing they really weren’t yellow or red. These categorization do not represent us as people, they are attempts to categorize and label people. Its easy to change the words to “every color shape and size we’re all precious…” or something like that, so there isn’t any excuse to sing these songs anymore. The bigger issue however, is when are we going to start dealing with the ingrained institutional racism that exists towards people of other ethnic backgrounds in our churches. Its a huge problem ever one ignores.
Oliver on Fri, April 09, 2010
Oh, by the way were are the gay puppets?
Michael C on Fri, April 09, 2010
HAHAHAHA… I can’t stop laughing!!!!
Kirk Longhofer on Fri, April 09, 2010
Hmmm. I seem to remember two guys who had a to pull a successful book off the shelves for something similar.
I’m not so sure it’s racist as much as it’s… well… bad.
emad on Sat, April 10, 2010
emad on Sat, April 10, 2010
bishopdave on Sun, April 11, 2010
Emad, do you mean that these puppets should be shot by tanks? run over by tanks? thrown in tanks (of boiling sulfuric acid)?
Brad Wright on Sun, April 11, 2010
Good intentions gone horribly awry.
I’ve always thought of church puppetry as a supply-side phenomenon; i.e., we see it because people want to do it, not because people are clamoring for it to be done.
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