Church Reaches out to Women Addicted to Pornography
- Posted on May 03, 2010
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There was a great piece over the weekend in the New York Times that highlighted Westside Family Church's ministry to women who are addicted to porn...
Here's the start of the article...
It was the final session for the women at Westside Family Church’s Victory Over Porn Addiction group, and the youngest member, a 17-year-old named Kelsie, had not had a good week.
“I slipped two nights this week,” she said, to nods of support from the other women in the group.
“I decided that every time I’m tempted I’ll just let everything out to God,” she said, “then pray specifically for someone else, do selfless acts, to get away from being selfish.”
The group’s leader, Crystal Renaud, offered gentle counsel. “Pray for yourself, too,” she said.
To the wide array of programs offered by evangelical megachurches like Westside, the group adds what Ms. Renaud says is something long overdue. While churches have addressed pornography use among the men in their congregations and among the clergy, a group for women who say they are addicted to pornography is new territory, she said.
“In the Christian culture, women are supposed to be the nonsexual ones,” said Ms. Renaud, who also runs an Internet site called Dirty Girls Ministries, choosing the name to attract people searching for pornography. “It’s an injustice that the church is not more open about physical sexuality. God created sex. But the enemy has twisted it.”
What do YOU think? Would you / could you offer this type of program at YOUR church? Why or why not?
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JAN on Mon, May 03, 2010
I’ve often thought we should and that it is an unrecognized need in Christian ministry. Often times trashy romance novels are the doorway to pornography. And many many women get sucked in.
Dave on Mon, May 03, 2010
“It�s an injustice that the church is not more open about physical sexuality. God created sex. But the enemy has twisted it.”
I found it ironic when I read Todd’s title because I had known this church to be marred by the sexual failure of it’s lead pastor just 3 years ago. I know it is not fair to mark a whole ministry by the sinful choices of a few, but when those few are in key senior leadership it is hard to accept that this is an issue that this church wants to be known for.
Lori on Tue, May 04, 2010
This is absolutely the kind of program that a church with resources should have. I only have one concern that were I to have it in my church I would address.
Ms. Renauld is not a licensed counselor. According to her website she is being mentored by licensed counselors and taking the DVD course, but neither is a substitute for a real education in Christian Counseling. All addictions, including pornography, should be dealt with by qualified professionals. I think what she is doing is great, but given the numerous, quality, and accredited on-line BA in Christian Counseling programs out there, she should pursue one. In the meantime I would ensure that a professional would be working in the program along side her. It is just one of those things in church administration that could get a church sued if we are not careful.
It is a great idea!
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