Dallas Church to Host “Gay Jesus” Play
- Posted on April 26, 2010
- Viewed 776 times
- (6) comments

The Cathedral of Hope in Dallas will host "Corpus Christi" for five performances, June 4-6. The play casts Jesus and his disciples as gay men.
Tickets will be $30-50. You can read more on this here...
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CS on Mon, April 26, 2010
I thought it interesting how the post about Knapp has gotten 40 comments thus far this morning, but this one was still at zero up till now, even though they have a common parallel.
My take is that the word, “church,” has become a very, very pliable word nowadays.
K. A. Christian on Mon, April 26, 2010
CS… you’re right… men has used the word “church” to the point that its meaning has become broard…
The Apostle Pauls through the Holy Spirit said the day would come when men would be given to doctrines of flesh… and turn away from the Word of God…
I’m afraid this church is not a church, but imposters…
GS on Mon, April 26, 2010
I think the reason there have been no comments is that this play is completely appropriate in this context. Cathedral of Hope is a progressive congregation previously affiliated with the MCC and now with the UCC.
Andymcadams on Mon, April 26, 2010
I think the reason there have been no comments is that this play is completely appropriate in this context. Cathedral of Hope is a progressive congregation previously affiliated with the MCC and now with the UCC.
I’m sorry but no play showing Jesus and His disciples as gay is appropriate in any context. This is the Son of God we are speaking about and any effort to cast doubt on His sexuality is a lame excuse to condone some people’s sin.
Also…Cathedral of Hope offers no hope as far as I can see. The affiliation with the UCC doesn’t gain any confidence to me. The United Church of Christ is one of the most liberal groups around and have been for some time.
I found over 60 comments about Jennifer Knapp….well don’t buy her CDs….but this subject is where there should be massive out rage. A lot of people don’t discern the kind of church that this play would be in…they only know it’s a church and would think…“this must be normal for Christian”.
We are in a sad state of affairs folks. “Even so…come quickly Lord Jesus”.
JAM on Mon, April 26, 2010
What part of abomination don’t people understand?
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