“Duh Moments” with God
- Posted on September 20, 2010
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This is a guest post from Leonard Lee, a regular commenter here at MMI. Leonard writes: Sometimes I get what I call “Duh Moments.” ”Duh Moments” are what happens when something that should be clear becomes clear and I say “Duh.”
The word “Gospel” means good news. The four gospels in the New Testament are the four accounts of the life of Christ and are called gospels because they tell the good news about Jesus. The bible also mentions “The Gospel” and this is the incredibly good news that through faith in Christ we can be forgiven and redeemed.
Today, most church going folks couldn’t tell you what the Gospel is, and for many it is set of facts and information we believe. Get the information right and you are saved… get it wrong and “No Soup for You!”
In Romans 1:16, Paul wrote that he was not ashamed of the Gospel because the Gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone… This verse was always used to get me to be more bold and the leverage word in the verse is the word “ashamed.” It means what we think it means. I have heard a “ton-o-sermons” on this verse and guess what, I always end up feeling ashamed for feeling ashamed… this is certainly the recipe for transformation. (See the post on sarcasm and realize I still need to work on this.)
I heard statements like “what if they die and go to hell and you never told them because you were ashamed of the gospel?” Here is a confession. Shaming me into feeling no shame didn’t really work. Then the “Duh Moment” with God.
I read the rest of the verse and discovered that the reason Paul felt no shame was not about how screwed you are without Jesus but rather because the Gospel is FREEKING AMAZING!!! Duh.
The Gospel is the power of God. So many Christians are looking for the power of God… going to healers, watching Christian television, begging God to do stuff… making deals with God about giving, serving, loving others… just to get some of that God Power working in their direction. But right in front of our faces is this Gospel, this good news and it IS the power of God. It does not contain the power of God, it does not refract, reflect, channel, hold or manipulate the power of God… no it IS THE POWER OF GOD! Duh.
Power for what? Salvation… kind of a big deal, I got now power for that. Transformation… Another big deal, I got no power for that. Cleansing of guilt and shame… I got no power for that. Healing of wounds, broken heartedness, fear, anger, addiction, slavery to sin… I got no power for that. Destroyed marriages, rebellious hearts, wayward kids, hopelessness, discouragement… I got no power for that. But God does and the Gospel IS the power of God. Duh.
So here’s a question; Did you know you had that much power at your disposal? Did you know that in your grasp is the power of God to alter eternity and change lives? Did you know that God has given us access to His life altering, sin forgiving, God reconciling, and heart transforming power? WOW!!! Call the paper, alert the media, send out a press release because that is BIG.
When I focused on the Power of God, the Gospel, I got motivated. No shame needed for removing my shame. I got excited because I have access to the only power that can do what NEEDS to be done in a persons life. I am a steward of this power. Holy Smokes, how cool is that? Now when I read “I am not ashamed of the Gospel” I get excited and say “Duh, who in their right mind would be ashamed of that kind of life changing power!” Thank you Jesus! Off… we go now.
You can read more of Leonard's writings at his blog. And feel free to comment on his "Duh Moments" here at MMI or over at his blog.
Thanks, Leonard!
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Q. on Mon, September 20, 2010
Good post friends…
CS on Mon, September 20, 2010
This is an excellent revelation that Leonard had. Now if only we could get churches in America to realize the same.
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