Florida Megachurch Removes Pepsi Machines Over Gay Sponsorships
- Posted on September 14, 2009
- Viewed 737 times
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According to Tampa Bay Online:
The last of 10 Pepsi vending machines were wheeled out the door this week at Bell Shoals Baptist Church and replaced with Coke machines, but the switch wasn't spurred by a taste test.
Terry Kemple, a member of Bell Shoals Baptist and president of the Community Issues Council, said the church's decision to boycott Pepsi products came after months of failed discussions with the soft drink company.
The council, formed "to promote and protect Judeo-Christian values" according to its Web site, and church officials asked the soft drink company to curb its support of groups, events and legal issues that "oppose traditional family values," Kemple said.
The company, Kemple said, sponsors major gay pride parades and events across the country.
"This year, they pumped millions of dollars into organizations that opposed California's same-sex marriage ban, Proposition 8," he said. "There are a lot of corporations that have diversity programs, but Pepsi goes far beyond."
The council meets with about 50 churches each month to discuss issues that conflict with traditional Christian values. Other local churches participating in the Pepsi boycott include Kings Avenue Baptist Church in Brandon and Plant City Church of God.
Kemple said more churches are expected to join the effort he hopes will send a strong message to corporate America.
What do you think? Boycot Pepsi over gay sponsorships; or drink more Pepsi to protest the churches that are protesting Pepsi.
Why/Should we expect our drink manufacturers or our car companies or any company we purchase from to have/hold our Christian convictions? What's your take?
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David Buckham on Tue, September 22, 2009
So when you see a Pepsi can you think homosexual? Seriously? I don’t have that much time on my hands. I would rather be concerned with being who God wants me to be instead of pointing out companies that don’t follow all the specific hang ups we have.
Yes, homosexuality is a sin. But there are lots of sins. Where do you draw the line where a company is concerned? What about the banks that charge ridiculous interest rates to people who are poor or to widows? What if their president is a Christian? Who is in the wrong now? You can look at this issue an infinite number of ways. Usually it comes back to are we more concerned about the spec in our neighbors eye than the plank in our own eye?
I don’t expect a secular company to follow God’s laws because they have yet to submit to His will. Sure, I would love it if they would.
Out of curiosity do you listen to Christian radio? I think it should be boycotted because it sends mixed messages and conflicting theologies, which in my opinion is worse than specific sins. Calvinism and Arminianism can readily be heard in the same hour. Listen to the “preachers” on “gospel” stations (or gospel hours) and you will not have to listen long to hear religious bigotry and ungodly ideas (like health and wealth gospel messages that are very prevalent the past decade). All this is there and that’s not to mention more contradicting theology that the songs have already promoted. All this in light of the fact that the radio station claims the name of Christ. I am of course speaking with bit of hyperbole, but the truth is still there.
As for sins punishable by death, I can think of two that Jesus addressed. Disobedient children and adultery. The prodigal son did not honor his father with his request for his inheritance, which is the same as saying dad could you go ahead and die. A child like this would be drug to the gate of the city and stoned. Instead this one was forgiven…and there was much rejoicing. There is also the fact that someone who commits adultery would be able to be stoned. Well Jesus didn’t condemn the woman caught in adulterer, he said “he with out sin cast the first stone.”
Also consider that the woman at the well was living with a man she was not married to (adultery is sex with someone you are not married to). She was not condemned, but her sin was addressed. She even walked away joyfully…I wish Christians could address sin that way! Sin is addressed and a life changed! Yes, homosexuality is a sin. Address it as such, to a homosexual.
Pepsi is a company. Pepsi cannot be saved, it has no soul. Instead of addressing the company why not try to address individuals in the company.
Now I am wondering about how many churches are standing for at least some aspect of evil by what they allow to continue at their church. Gossip, lies, slander, adultery, homosexuality, hatred, I could go on, but I will let you draw your own conclusions…
all about Christ,
John Fisher on Sun, November 22, 2009
At the apartment complex I live in we have 4 coke machines, every single one of them has a problem with them, they either do not accept bills, dont give back the correct change, or steal your change all of the time. I hate coke vending machines with a passion.
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