Focus on the Family website usage up 40% Since Superbowl
- Posted on February 10, 2010
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According to the Denver Post, Preliminary data show the Focus on the Family website logged 500,000 hits and 50,000 unique visitors during the hour in which one ad aired on Sunday's Super Bowl...
"Our traffic jumped to 40 times its normal volume," Focus spokeswoman Monica Schleicher said Monday. "In the hour during the pre-game (broadcast), when the other ad aired twice, our Web traffic was 20 times our normal volume."
Take a look at the ad here:
What did you think of the ad?
Personally, I was a little disappointed. After all the hoopla about this being about abortion and Mrs. Tebow's choice to keep her baby, I think you really had to read into it to get the message. It's all good if people went to the Focus website, but I just didn't think it was that effective of an ad. It seemed like she was trying to tell a story she wasn't able to tell. Hopefully the website delivered the message I thought the ad was supposed to.
Your thoughts?
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