Gotcha! Todd’s Feeble Attempt At Humor Deemed a Huge Success!
- Posted on November 17, 2005
- Viewed 243 times
- (20) comments
I was not disappointed.

I used the original title: What? Huh?! When Church Marketing Goes Too Far... and featured the picture above.
Truth is, this was just my attempt at humor. I actually made the sign over at And I thought it was real funny. (Still do!)
But not as funny as some of your responses:
TG thinks church signs need to stop all this nonsense.
My friend Bernie, actually liked the sign. (leave it to Bernie to like something that was not meant to be serious).
JH thought the sign was much more acceptable than a couple of other websites that he's come across lately.
But hats off to Rick, who actually got the joke.
Some of you guys really take yourselves a little too seriously... but... you made my day anyway!
FOR DISCUSSION: Now... please rate my humor... on a scale
I posted this this morning. I figured after the blasting from every post I made yesterday, that I deserved a day off from blogging. I mean after reading everything yesterday, I’m pretty much convinced that I’m wrong about everything I’ve ever posted here! I thought to myself, "Self, let’s post something totally off the wall, say I’m appalled, and see if anyone thinks this is a good idea."…
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