Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Great Idea… This has nothing to do with Church Leadership, which is a good thing!

    HT to My Worship Revolution for the find!


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    1. Richard Gaspard on Mon, June 16, 2008

      I love Tim Hawkins!  He’s got a bunch of stuff on YouTube, and it’s all great.  This one is a little long, but funny, funny, funny!

      Thanks, Todd!

    2. bobby on Mon, June 16, 2008

      Thanks for the linkage.

    3. Peter Hamm on Tue, June 17, 2008

      Pearl Jam singing “E I E I O”… too funny…

    4. Cathy Harwick on Tue, June 17, 2008

      OMG….Too Funny!  Says something when taking some of the “traditional” kid’s songs to a more relevant level for kids!  I LOVE IT!!!

    5. Anthony Trask on Tue, June 17, 2008

      The Alanis Morrisette is priceless!

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