Heaven Won’t Look Like Your Sunday Morning
- Posted on March 17, 2010
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Carlos wrote this statement as the title of a blog post this week. That got me thinking...
How many of the people at your church just think heaven WILL look like your Sunday morning?
I know, I know... we can't even imagine what heaven will be like. But don't most of us, at least on the surface, think it will be just like what we want it to be?
People who love traditional worship dream of a great organ (maybe with golden pipes or something). They think heaven will be a Lawrence Welk type worship extravaganza.
People who love contemporary worship dream of the ultimate worship band and experience. Like maybe all the Rolling Stones will get saved on their deathbed and be the headliners or something.
Preachers dream that heaven will be filled with great sermons (mostly made by themselves) and that people will actually stay awake and listen.
Kids think that heaven will somehow be made of candy, puppy dogs, and ice cream.
If heartfelt worship and a real encounter with Jesus is what people are thinking heaven will be like, that's awesome.
If music and goodies are what people are envisioning when they think of heaven, then we're not doing a very good job of explaining things while we're here on earth.
So... when you think of heaven, what do YOU think of first?
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Mark Fogarty on Wed, March 17, 2010
Or many people (including some Christians I have spoken with) think spending an eternity in one place, no matter how “heavenly” will be boring.
Here’s a humorous take on this. http://bit.ly/4gK0ys
Mason Stanley on Thu, March 18, 2010
The only part of Heaven I can imagine is when Christ is lifted as King and all those in Heaven will say/sing (whichever) “worthy is the Lamb.” That scene just seems so epic to me, so every time I hear “Heaven” that is the only scene I can think of.
Peter Hamm on Thu, March 18, 2010
I gave up trying to imagine it.
It’s so far beyond this plane we can’t possibly understand it.
So, though I anticipate heaven with some joy, I also would say that I think Jesus wanted to worry about the part of the Kingdom of Heaven that is here… now…
Leonard on Thu, March 18, 2010
In Saving Private Ryan, Tom Hank’s character says that his goal is to complete the mission because in completing the mission he is that much closer to Home. This is kind of my thinking.
We used to sing the hymn, Jesus will be what makes it heaven for me… I am inclined to lean into this as well.
eye has not seen, ear has not heard…. but the Spirit Reveals… Heaven become more and more real, my hunger for heaven becomes more and more intense as I keep in step with the Spirit.
Just a few random thoughts…
gospel light curriculum on Thu, February 17, 2011
I don’t really think about what Heaven will look like. When I think of Heaven, I think of feelings and not sights. I think of unequaled love and happiness. I think of Heaven as pure ecstasy.
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