Is Your Computer Stealing Your Sabbath?
- Posted on March 23, 2010
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- (7) comments

The day was to launch Reboot's ongoing project, the Sabbath Manifesto. Dan Rollman, a Rebooter and founder of the Universal World Record Database Web site, created the Sabbath Manifesto because he felt that technology was taking over too much of his life.One group of 'rebooters' thinks so. They pledged to observe 24 hours of freedom from all of their electronic devices, promoting a 'national day of unplugging'. Interestingly enough, this is an initiative produced by a group of jewish leaders.
Here's a little from a CNN article:
Composed of Internet entrepreneurs, creators of award-winning television shows, community organizers and nonprofit leaders, these "Rebooters" are people who typically have their cell phones glued to their palms. Several of them go so far as to say they have an addiction to their devices.
They pledged to observe 24 hours of freedom from their devices this past weekend: a National Day of Unplugging, lasting from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.
Here's the Sabbath Manifesto:
The Sabbath Manifesto consists of 10 principles. However, people are encouraged to discuss online which principles work and which should be tweaked. As they stand now, the guiding principles are:
1. Avoid technology.
2. Connect with loved ones.
3. Nurture your health.
4. Get outside.
5. Avoid commerce.
6. Light candles.
7. Drink wine.
8. Eat bread.
9. Find silence.
10. Give back.
What do you think? Would it be good to 'unplug' for the Sabbath? And what do you think about the ten principle list?
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Cameyg on Tue, March 23, 2010
I think it’s great! I’ve been unplugging more than ever the last few months and not just on Sundays. While there are major benefits to be so connected… there is so much to be gained from time totally unplugged.
#7 would be the only one on the list that doesn’t work for me. While I enjoy the taste of wine… I haven’t drank any in years. But that’s a personal choice on my part.
CS on Tue, March 23, 2010
“What do you think? Would it be good to ‘unplug’ for the Sabbath? And what do you think about the ten principle list?”
Is this list intended more as a recommendation, or is it legalism? And some of those items just sound hippy-dippy, like the lighting of candles, drinking of wine, and avoiding commerce.
Cameyg on Tue, March 23, 2010
hippy-dippy? As for avoiding commerce… Growing up in Texas - there was a time period when stores weren’t open on Sundays. So naturally, families spent more time together. We live in a small town now where there isn’t much to choose from restaurant wise & you can never know when they’ll be open for sure.. except the Dairy Queen. Our family now really rests on Sunday afternoons most of the time as a result. And given that we also have a evening service - that is most beneficial to us as a pastor’s family.
Hope you have a great day, CS! You’ve been prayed for…
Peter Hamm on Tue, March 23, 2010
As somebody who, honestly, allows this silly little device I’m typing on to ruin my sabbath on a semi-regular basis…
I think I need to unplug once a week.
I wonder if I can have the discipline this coming Friday (my day off) to not check email? Hmmmm…. I’ve tried before…
This is a real issue in my opinion. We are so plugged in it’s not real healthy.
Cameyg on Tue, March 23, 2010
Give that little device to someone you trust to hold onto it from Thursday night to Saturday morning. That’s the only way you’ll have a complete 24 day off from it.
Praying for you! Looking forward to hearing how it goes! I know you can do it.
Jose Amarillo on Tue, March 23, 2010
It’s idolatrous unless it goes beyond the fixation on the inward and the outward, the self-help and the social.
It needs to remember that Sabbath honours Him who is above all, upward, transcendant.
Mike Hurt on Tue, March 23, 2010
When I first read this article online, I thought the list might be a good thing, but then it hit me that an essential element of Sabbath was missing from the list - time with and worship of God.
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