Jesus = Short Hair
- Posted on February 04, 2011
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I grew up in a church that had a pastor that was enamored with Dr. Jack Hyles. This caused problems for me in college. Somehow, I just couldn't see beyond sermons like this:
If you want to have some fun, you can read some of the fine oratory over at They have links to the "Jesus Had Short Hair" sermon.
It's classic.
(Thank you, God, for saving me from this brand of Christianity).
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Eric on Fri, February 04, 2011
That was an awful lot of work placed in the length of one’s hair. If I heard that sermon I would be totally confused. I just read it and I’m a little confused.What was the purpose of the sermon again? To get people to wear a hairstyle we approve of?
Todd Rhoades on Fri, February 04, 2011
Ah, yep, Eric… pretty much.
Brian on Fri, February 04, 2011
Oh my! I would love to see the Bible verses that prove that Jesus frequented the Barber Shop. I can see it now: “Boys, I’ll meet you for dinner in the upper room but first let me run into Savior-Cuts for a quick trim - I have a coupon that Judas gave me” I suppose it could happen!
Peter Hamm on Fri, February 04, 2011
where’s that “doctrine of hairology” link when we need it…
Eric on Fri, February 04, 2011
Actually Jesus went to the Gaza Snips
Leonard on Fri, February 04, 2011
Been there, done that
Bob on Fri, February 04, 2011
The theology that is a cut above. Hair splitting!
paul on Fri, February 04, 2011
“Gaza Snips”
Well done, Eric.
David on Sun, February 06, 2011
Reminds me of the long, drawn out article I read once in The Flaming Sword (a Church of Christ publication) about how instruments were evil.
Another thing it reminds me of is that crazy pastor who did the sermon about how men used the bathroom.
It’s the old, “you are a Christian if you do life like me” syndrome.
modern architecture news on Sun, February 06, 2011
LOL, ok that’s funny!
rbud on Mon, February 07, 2011
Hair today, gone tomorrow.
Jack on Tue, February 08, 2011
I grew up in this legalism. I actually had THIS BOOK! Thank God for graciously delivering me from it. Our youth pastor used to take us to hear Hyles preach - for a “youth outing”. Therapy did help…!
Jack on Tue, February 08, 2011
I grew up in this legalism. I actually had THIS BOOK! Thank God for graciously delivering me from it. Our youth pastor used to take us to hear Hyles preach - for a “youth outing”. Therapy did help…!
David Buckham on Tue, February 08, 2011
I couldn’t make it past the misused Matthew 5:16 text.
I was leading songs at a youth service when a man who was there for the special service got TICKED at a person for having long hair (we can define “long hair” later). He approached me and said he couldn’t worship in the same room as him because it was a sin to have long hair. So we did some biblical “diving” and couldn’t find that verse (I knew it wasn’t there but I wanted to make sure he knew it wasn’t there).
The 35 minute discussion ended after I pointed to a very large picture of Jesus that was front and center behind the pulpit. Jesus, who was without sin, with long hair (whether or not Christ had long hair wasn’t the point I was making). He broke down crying and apologized to the guy who had long hair.
I was shocked at what happened. I was just done with his arguing and thought I would address that, then the Holy Spirit showed up! Thank God for grace and forgiveness…and long hair.
David on Tue, February 08, 2011
@Buckham: Awesome story. It’s so rare that we see people submissive enough to the HS to listen to the HS. We are all so filled with pride. It’s so good to hear this.
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