Matt Chandler: One year after cancer
- Posted on November 02, 2010
- Viewed 1082 times
- (1) comments

Justin Taylor has a great interview with Matt Chandler over at The Gospel Coalition website. It's been one year since Matt was diagnosed with a very serious form of brain cancer.
Here's a little from Justin's interview...
If you could go back and have a conversation with yourself on the evening of November 24, 2009, what would you have said to prepare Matt Chandler for the year ahead?
I think I would hug myself and just say, “He’s prepared you.”
What role has your theology played in sustaining you throughout this year?
I’m not sure how men and women without a strong view of God’s sovereignty and authority over all things handle things like this.
There were at least 3 meetings with my doctors early on where I felt like I got punched in the soul. In those moments when I was discombobulated and things felt like they were spinning out of control, my theology and the Spirit were there to remind me that “He is good and He does good”—to remind me that God has a plan for His glory and my joy that He is working. I was reminded that this cancer wasn’t punitive but somehow redemptive (Romans 8).
You can read the rest of the interview right here...
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Peter Hamm on Tue, November 02, 2010
What an example. Thank you, Matt! I attended Exponential 09 and I have to say he was the most interesting speaker I encountered by far. His conviction was so strong it was almost dangerous.
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