Multi-Site Churches and Video Technology Needs
- Posted on October 06, 2005
- Viewed 345 times
- (3) comments
In my experience, there are three "video setups" that are found in today's church video venues.
Clear here to read Anthony and Dennis' post (it's fairly long, but worth it if you're interested in how to pull off video for a multi-site church!)
We talk alot about multi-site/video venues here (only because it’s a methodology I think is really working these days). Here is a more practical article written by a pro who knows his stuff. Anthony Coppedge is a technical genius, who knows his stuff. Recently, Anthony talked with Dennis Choy, who is the technical director at North Coast Church about the different video needs of multi-site churches. Read and learn!:
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Anthony D. Coppedge on Tue, October 11, 2005
Thanks for the trackback and kind words, dude!
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