Name This Church…
- Posted on March 11, 2010
- Viewed 1313 times
- (5) comments

OK, in my recent travels, I picked up the bulletin of a prominent church in the US. In their Sunday bulletin, they listed their goals for 2010. I'm wondering if you can name this church.
Here are some of their goals for 2010:
- Increase average attendance in our 9:30 and 11:00 worship services by 400
- Triple 2009's number of baptisms and new members
- Build our youth program to 400 students weekly
- Serve 5,000 Monday meals
- Scout Liberia, Africa, for a school plant
What megachurch do you think has these goals for 2010?
You might be surprised. Take some guesses and I'll let you know when you nail it.
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Ken Eastburn on Thu, March 11, 2010
My initial guess was going to be Saddleback but you seem to be hinting at it being a different, unexpected one.
I guess Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA.
Paul Steinbrueck on Thu, March 11, 2010
I wouldn’t have guessed it. But thanks to Google I don’t have to.
Todd Rhoades on Thu, March 11, 2010
Stink. Foiled again!
Paul’s right. It’s the Crystal Cathedral.
Who would have guessed that (without Google)?!
Steve on Thu, March 11, 2010
I would’ve guessed.
Actually, I caught some of the Hour of Power this week and they outlined these goals during the program. It seems they’re now trying to use the television ministry to drive people to the church.
David Buckham on Thu, March 18, 2010
I was thinking of a church in Texas…man I was off.
all about Christ,
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