Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Next Week is Pornography Awareness Week

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    So… here is a completely unscientific, completely anonymous poll (there is NO WAY that your vote can be traced to you).  Here’s the question:  if you’re a member of a church staff, have you surfed to a porn site in the past year? 

    You can read more about Pornography Awareness Week here.

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    According to a press release, almost 60% of Christian men and 37% of pastors admit to struggling with pornography. 35% of women also struggle with porn. Well, I'm not sure who's idea it was, but next week (Oct. 26 - Nov. 2) is "Pornography Awareness Week". My first thought is... it appears that far too many people are already aware of pornography, thank you very much.

    I appreciate some of the things they are trying to do with this week, just think the name of the week stinks.

    I'm wondering... we have a wide variety of pastors and church staff members here at MMI everyday... how much of a problem is porn among MMI readers?...


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    1. Leonard on Wed, October 22, 2008

      Interesting results, more interesting no comments. 

      One issue here is that with the rise of this sin, we need to create a safer place for people to come clean and be restored rather than to come clean and lose everything.  The cost of coming clean for so many pastors is absolutely what keeps them from getting help. 

      We must figure out how to remove the shame from the person so we can help people walk in the light.  One way is to remove the option through a great filter system in your home, work and other places.  we use safe eyes and it has had a profoundly positive affect on some of our men.  Thanks Todd for posting this.

    2. Jermayn on Wed, October 22, 2008

      This is the most under rated issue in todays church.

      I have been in church for over 20 years and I have only heard this been preached over the pulpit 3 times..

      I have touched upon this issue on my blog a few times and at our churches mens group our next meeting is about this.

      As a church we need to address this problem as it kills men, their calling God, their families and thats just the surface.

    3. Eric on Thu, October 23, 2008

      Excellent comment Leonard and I think you’re spot on. 

      We use the Covenant Eyes filter and accountability system at church and I use it at home.  Any pastor who doesn’t provide something like this for his staff is foolish beyond measure, imho.

    4. Camey on Mon, October 27, 2008

      Totally agree with Leonard, Jermayn, and Eric…

      But I would also add this… As many men that I know struggle with porn - I know just as many women. I’m speaking of individuals I know all over the world in ministry mind you..

      And as we all know - what some consider porn - others don’t. That’s where some of the real danger is as well.

    5. Peter Dodge on Mon, October 27, 2008

      When I was a teenager, like many others, it was popular to have a girly magazine under your mattress.

      I think I have a healthy perspective on this.  Why would I want to look at something I don’t want or can’t have?  I still remember some of those images and how they did nothing for me.

      It is like any other drug, sin, additiction. It leads to Emptiness, Loneliness, Despair and Endless Regret. The acronym for that is ELDER.

      Maybe it’s me, but I just don’t get how someone can struggle with something that is so gross.

      I have never been married, but the biggest struggle I have is managing my finances.

    6. Bathroom Decor on Tue, October 28, 2008

      First time I heard about pornography week.  And why is there such a week? I don’t think there is the need for it.

    7. Tal Prince on Thu, November 06, 2008

      I’m new to this blog, but glad I found it!

      I love to minister in this area, and trust me, I am busy. I’m busy with pastors, and their staff members - both male and female. I’m busy with seminary students and lay leaders.

      The statistics are overwhelming, but let me offer my own anecdotal evidence here.  I go to preaching and ministry conferences a great deal, and if I know that the hotel is full of nothing but pastors, I ask what percentage of the rooms accessed the adult entertainment. That number has NEVER been below 60% of the rooms.

      You can choose to put your head in the sand on this one, but the ostrich strategy rarely works.

      Take this challenge - sign up for a google alert on pastors and pornography. You’ll get e-mails everyday about another pastor caught with porn or child porn.  Clergy sexual abuse is a burgeoning issue, and not just in the Catholic Church.

      Our attitude has been to shame people for this type of behavior, but shame is the fuel to all addiction.  We need to de-shame the church.

      Peter, your response has a great deal of shame attached to it - unintentionally, I am sure. It is there though - when you say, “Maybe it’s me, but I just don’t get how someone can struggle with something that is so gross.” You cement the behavior. The addict knows they can not talk to you safely and get help.

      At the root of porn addiction is trauma and abuse. I travel the country speaking about this issue in churches and on campuses. I have a show on Sirius Satellite Radio on Sunday evenings talking about it, and I pastor a church plant dealing with it.

      I know it well, because I was absolutely hooked on porn and sex for 24 years of my life. I didn’t come into ministry until I was in recovery, but so many ministers are fighting this. 

      Pastors are trapped because they may lose not only their job, but their careers.

      If I told you that your friends had been abducted and were chained in cells, what would your reaction be? What if I told you they would be freed if you would just begin to talk about porn and sexual struggles - would you do it?

      $96 Billion spent on porn last year. $30 Bilion right here in the US of A. Trust me it is the new national past time.  $16 million on adult movies alone. The NFL, by comparison, made $4 Billion.

      Please start talking.

      If I can be of any help, e-mail me at: [removed]
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