Outsourcing Your Worship Leader
- Posted on November 09, 2009
- Viewed 1763 times
- (34) comments

Tim Stevens had a great post about outsourcing worship leaders this morning at his LeadingSmart.com website. What do you think?
Tim recently meet with a church leader from Mississippi that temporarily hired worship leaders to come in to help them out after their worship leader left for another job. It worked out so well, that the church decided to 'permanently hire temporary worship leaders'. They have settled on four or five leaders that they bring in on a weekly basis. According to Tim, here are some of the advantages this church leader told him about this approach:
- Many worship leaders don't enjoy building teams, managing budgets or organizing departments. They just love to lead worship. This strategy let's them stay in their sweet spot.
- This decision saves money for the church. He is able to pay them really well for a weekend and still save enough money in the church budget to use toward another staff position.
- They love the variety that this brings to their church. Keeping things unpredictable is a plus, says Jeff, to keeping people's attention.
- They have learned so much from these worship leaders that they wouldn't have learned from one person.
What do you think? Has you church ever hired in a worship leader to fill in, or on a semi-consistent basis? Do you think this new way of 'outsourcing' worship leaders is one that would/could work in your church? What would be the downsides?
You can read more of Tim's post here at LeadingSmart.com.
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JOB on Tue, November 10, 2009
If I may I just have one question. Before you launched your “internet Church” did you weigh alll the pro’s and con’s before you decided to go with it? Did anyone in your circle advise that it may not be a good idea? What do you see potentially the con’s of providing an internet-Church?
I’m sorry you didn’t get my main point, the point I’m trying to make is there is more to the gospel message then the spoken word. I think if we discussed it more you would agree with me. I’m not much of typer and my viewpoint may not be best expressed in these comments. It’s a method thing.
Leonard on Wed, November 11, 2009
We have non-believers help in the set up, tear down, some office help, tech and a few other places.
Steven Crutchfield on Wed, November 11, 2009
to clarify first, this is not my church, but one I attend…and I’m sure they “did their homework”....the internet campus is just one of many campuses….local and international.
However, I will be launching a church in Philadelphia in February 2011, and when we are able to successfully launch an internet campus…we will do so. There are no cons, in my opinion. The gospel is being shared…..there is worship….there are people to pray with those who need it….and everyone is encouraged to get involved in a local church. It also is a great way to provide ministry to those who may not be able to travel to a physical location….
i know it’s really different and yes, someone could justify staying at home and never attending an actual service….but, that’s between them and God….we don’t encourage it because we need to fellowship with other believers and be in relationship….but, that , in my opinion is no reason to NOT provide the worship experience…hope that helps?
john on Mon, October 04, 2010
You know becoming a praise and worship leader is one of the greatest privileges in the modern church.Across the world, praise and worship leaders hold great responsibility for the way church services flow,and can be responsible for tremendous times of praise and worship within the congregation,setting the scene for the Word of God to really minister to and challenge hearts.medical billing
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