Over 20,000 Church Leaders Attended “THE NINES”
- Posted on September 15, 2009
- Viewed 281 times
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From The Christian Post:
"We're supposed to be revolutionaries. And that's odd that that sounds odd in this world but it's because the church has embraced the status quo instead of embracing what Jesus Christ brought into this world which was revolution."
That was the core message Pastor Brad Powell of Northridge Church tried to get across to fellow church leaders around the world within a short time frame of nine minutes.
He addressed a purely online audience on Wednesday during "The Nines" conference that featured back-to-back nine-minute video messages from renowned and lesser known communicators and pastors.
The virtual conference, organized by Leadership Network and Catalyst, drew over 20,000 participants throughout the daylong event. Online attendees carried conversations on blogs and Twitter, making "The Nines" the most tweeted topic for about three hours that day.
"We have shut Jesus out of the church and by shutting Jesus out of the church we have become everything contrary, antithetical to what Jesus wants the church to be," Powell of Plymouth, Mich., said in his pre-recorded video.
"We need to let Jesus back in the church so that revolution can begin again; so our churches, instead of being turned inward will turn outward again; so that our churches, instead of being exclusive little clubs, parks and recreation for the middle class, will become inclusive again."
The Northridge pastor sees many churches today as "museums of what God once did" and many pastors as "curators of those antiquities." He urged church and ministry leaders to be on the offense and go after the world rather than on the defense and just trying to keep people from leaving church.
"We have to create a mission that is revolutionary," he stressed.
Some 75 pastors, authors and communicators sent in their webcam videos to share their passionate and personal messages with other church leaders. Among The Nines' virtual speakers were Greg Surratt of Seacoast Church, Rick Warren of Saddleback Community Church, Eric Bryant of Mosaic, and authors Leonard Sweet and Brian McLaren.
Did you attend THE NINES? Who was your favorite speaker? What did you think of the overall experience?
FYI: All the videos from THE NINES will be released shortly. Thanks for your patience. It takes a while to get 11+ hours of video content all ready to release! --Todd
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Peter Hamm on Tue, September 15, 2009
I couldn’t, but am interested in being told which videos to watch first!
I signed up but ended up taking the week off work and doing stuff at home with my wife.
Jay Cookingham on Tue, September 15, 2009
Scott, only got to view part of the Nines and I think its a cool format. I do have an idea, how about a Nines deal when all leaders spend part of their time in prayer for the nation. That would be awesome to see (and hear). God bless dude!
Sherry on Wed, September 16, 2009
I did attend the webcast and came away with a lot of things that inspired me to look at my community and see where I can join in a make a difference, not only in sharing Jesus but in just doing what Jesus has called each and everyone of us to do.
1. go
2. make
3. baptize
4. teach- bringing CHANGE into their lives thru the power of Jesus
5. teach obedience in what I (Jesus) have commanded you. The rest is not as important as these 5 things.
I pray that all the leaders that watched and those that watch at another time prayerfully watch and ask Jesus to reveal things to them that they can use right in the place where they are. I hope this is the first of many webcasts like it. This was so needed for the pastors and leaders of our churches. Great Job!
Casey Sabella on Mon, September 21, 2009
I attended several hours, but was mostly disappointed to be honest. Most of the contributors did not seem to understand the privilege of addressing so many leaders, choosing to share their favorite sermon. Even Mark Driscoll choose to run a sermon on idols. Good sermon and all, but if I had one opportunity to share with that many leaders, I would been doing a whole lot of praying to present a Rhema from God.
Not all loss…one pastor whose name I forgot shared perhaps the most insiteful word on being a true servant of God. Worth the price of admission.
Gary Haist on Mon, September 21, 2009
I really enjoyed it. Some of the speakers sponke straight into my situation. I felt like I was at a conference and was very fortunate. But unfortuantely, the phone rang and I had to run. Can you access them and listen to selected speakers?
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