Should Focus on the Family Sponsor the Super Bowl?
- Posted on January 27, 2010
- Viewed 1199 times
- (24) comments

The decision has some people cheering, and some people jeering. The decision by Focus on the Family to sponsor an ad during the Super Bowl is polarizing many people even before it runs in the big game.
So, what's the controversy all about? Well, mostly the estimated price tag of $2.5 million dollars after Focus has eliminated over 275 jobs in recent years.
Focus' response: None of the money is coming out of their budget, but rather from 'generous donors who specifically gave for this project'.
The ad features University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother and has an anti-abortion/pro-life message.
So... what do you think? Is this worth the money? And should Focus be 'focussing' more on people than commercials?
I'd love to hear what you think...
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Shawn Wilson on Fri, January 29, 2010
I find it rather sad that Christians often will complain about abortion but then complain about a commercial that could save just one persons life!! Is 2.5 million not worth the life of ONE BABY?? Dear God folks, Jesus paid with his life, WILL YOU?? I would drop 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, if I had it to save just ONE!!!
QUIT B***HING ABOUT THE PRICE!!! It pisses me off so bad to see that we care so much about dropping money to influence maybe one person. My view:
If one life is saved then it is worth it!!!
Rob on Mon, February 01, 2010
I am glad there is a commercial that would promote what I believe, but in reality, they’re spending the money on a commercial that mostly men will see…........their target is women, and they could probably use those funds somewhere else and make a greater impact
Q. on Mon, February 01, 2010
Rob, I don’t quite agree about the target. Many familes watch the Super Bowl and ‘the church’ seems to sometimes operate under this false pretense that only men influence men and only women influence women. Knowing that women have a pretty hard time getting pregnant without a man in the picture-I would DEFINITELY say that even IF a majority of men saw this-that’s okay, they are just as crucial to the ‘choice’ as women.
Larry C on Mon, February 01, 2010
Once again, eyes are on the sin and not the sinners. Christ’s declaration that we are to make disciples should be our focus; how many disciples could be made if $2.5 million was put in the hands of people who truly care about the souls of mankind? Until man’s heart is changed, their view of abortion probably will not. Focus on the Family again is driving people away from the kingdom with their misguided focus. Irrespective of the source of funding, this commercial is a downer. A message of love, forgiveness and regeneration would do much more eternal good.
Guy on Mon, February 01, 2010
If only 1 life is saved it is a cheap price compared to al the blood of the Lamb.
David Simpson on Mon, February 01, 2010
I hate to tell this to some of you, but the spot is ALREADY hugely successful! It doesn’t matter what it comes out to look like on Sunday- this spot has been talked about and debated on local and national TV and radio broadcasts for the past week (Hannity, Limbaugh, MSNBC, etc.). Do you know how many multiplied millions of dollars it would cost to gain that kind of exposure? People have been debating the commercial, and its content, for days on end, and the thing hasn’t even aired yet! If that wasn’t the plan by FOTF all along, then they fell into a good thing in a big way. The spot is a tremendous success…
Archie Norman on Mon, February 01, 2010
It would seem to me if the world is screaming so loudly to CBS not to allow the commercial then Christians would want to line up on the other side in favor.
GR Guy on Mon, February 01, 2010
I like these kinds of promos that actually feature real people who made the right decision. Props to John Edwards and his mistress too for at least having the morals to not abort their “love” child when it would have been politically convenient to do so. That’s the kind of message that will give courage to others who are in similar situations to do the right thing.
The media has tried to make a controversy out of this ad, but the fact is that the majority of people in this country are now pro-life. They know in their hearts that abortion is wrong, despite what the law or Planned Parenthood says.
Go Tim Tebow, Tim’s mom, CBS, and whoever donated the money to run the spot.
Peter Hamm on Sun, February 07, 2010
I just saw the ad.
Classy, a little funny, with a message, but subtle, so you need to go to the internet for the full story.
Class act, imho.
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