Should You Worry, Pray, or Plan?
- Posted on June 28, 2010
- Viewed 747 times
- (2) comments

Mark Beeson answers this question with a few thoughts you might find interesting and helpful as you plan your week today...
Worry hurts you. Prayer inspires you. Planning prepares you.
Worry is natural. Prayer is supernatural. Planning intertwines the natural (the world as it is) with the supernatural (the world as it could be and should be).
Worry drains you. Prayer fills you. Planning fulfills you.
Worry isolates you. Prayer connects you. Planning integrates you.
Worry shrinks your vision. Prayer expands your vision. Planning enables your vision to come true.
Marks has a couple of other interesting thoughts on Worry, Prayer, and Planning here.
So... what will it be for you today? Worry? Prayer? Planning?
Take a moment to share your thoughts below...
Have a great day!
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Matt Steen on Mon, June 28, 2010
One of my favorite quotes is from Eisenhower:
In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless but planning is indispensable.
nuff said.
Scott Couchenour on Wed, June 30, 2010
Worrying sucks.
It sucks the energy right from out of our hands and burns it up so we can never use that energy again.
It’s a waste of time.completely.
It’s a testament to our lack of faith in a God who can do miracles.
It’s in Steven Covey’s “quadrant 4” - not urgent / not important
So….. stop worrying.
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