So… Why DID John Piper Invite Rick Warren to Speak at His Conference
- Posted on April 05, 2010
- Viewed 3483 times
- (28) comments
Many of you may be aware of the controversy regarding Rick Warren being asked to speak at John Piper's Desiring God conference this year. It seems that some are really up in arms at this invitation.
John Piper, in this video, explains his reasons for asking Warren, and does a great job at admonishing those who disagree. The sad thing is that this is only fueling the fire with those people. I think John does a great job of explaining 'secondary separation' issues; and nails the reason that some people get all bent out of shape. See what you think:
Why is this SUCH a big deal? Can we never agree to disagree?
Would Jesus invite Rick Warren to speak at his conference? (My guess is that Jesus would never probably have a conference. But if he did, I think we'd be really (REALLY) surprised at who he'd invite to share the platform with him.
Your thoughts?
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rbud on Mon, April 05, 2010
Wow! Reading the comments, the first thought that pops into my head is Bob Barker shouting, “Will it be curtain number one, number two, or number three?” In my view, the entire issue of separatism is a false doctrine born out of religious arrogance that goes against the Gospel message. What would we think if Jesus had taken the 5,000 and separated them into groups based upon each person’s spiritual journey and understanding? “All right, all you folks who prefer fish, move over to that other hill over there on the right, and don’t talk to or dine with those on that left hill, the bread eaters. And you there, who like to scrounge for the crumbs, come up over onto this hill closest to me.” If I had to agree to every fine point with everyone I met, I have to stop meeting people. Salvation ultimately is matter of the heart and relationship with Christ, not about correctly exbounding doctrinal issues.
As for JP, I liked what he said and the way he said it, even though I think the argument at its base is frivolous. But for me, I would have let the chips fall where they may to reveal the true character of his detractors. I suppose that’s the wrong view for someone who is intent on building a large personal following. Wait!—I’ve become confused, whose church is it again?
sgillesp on Mon, April 05, 2010
The fact that this video was considered necessary is sad. That some of the things he mentions are considered GOOD things among those he’s trying to help is pathetic: “...and he hasn’t spoken to Obama since….” When your movement is THIS obviously Pharisaical it ought to be convicting that this video exists. Wow. If I were unsaved, why on earth would I be interested in “your” Jesus? And while I recognize that the posture is that Jesus isn’t sold to people who are unsaved, God is sovereign and that’s why you should be interested - the fact is that God sent Jesus to demonstrate his love, not his doctrinal requirements. In fact, Jesus kept blowing up the doctrinal requirements others thought were essential. Having seen this video, I know I won’t spend much time with those who are so interested in John Piper, even though I like his attitude in this video. Not because they are anathema; just because I have better things to do than fight these fights.
CS on Mon, April 05, 2010
Here’s a good article from Tim Challies about why Piper should not have invited Warren, and sums up my opinions about it pretty well.
sgillesp on Mon, April 05, 2010
Oh, my, CS - I was reading the blog post you linked to, and now I’m having a good laugh. His first point was that Piper shouldn’t have invited Warren because Warren doesn’t “honor” scripture - that is, he uses it in ways it wasn’t intended, and he knows it. But he titles his second point that Warren seeks to be “all things to all people” - but hastens to note that he MEANS that in a NEGATIVE way (because, of course, the apostle Paul meant that quote positively when he wrote it - as in, he’d wear Roman clothes in Rome and Ephesian clothes in Ephesus, or whatever, if it helped to preach the gospel). But the blogger means it negatively - as in, Warren will say he believes whatever the audience wants him to believe. Without addressing his main point there, I just think it’s funny that in the title of his second point, he committed the very thing he indicted Warren for in his first point.
The Lord must laugh at us indulgently every single day.
Pastor Matt on Mon, April 05, 2010
Oh wow, a bunch of Christians disagree about something. Yawn.
Brian L. on Mon, April 05, 2010
One of my mentors is JP’s executive pastor. I don’t agree with Piper’s reformation theology, but I do enjoy reading and listening to him. His zeal for missions puts me and many others to shame.
My respect for him just went up even more.
RevKev on Mon, April 05, 2010
Way to go, JP. (Now ignore it and move on.) Wish I could be there for the “interview”. Would love to hear those two guys in give-and-take on some of these things. I know THEY will part as friends and brothers.
Leonard on Tue, April 06, 2010
I got nothing but respect for Rick Warren. I really like JP’s writings but I am not a Calvinist. Either way, both these guys will probably have better mansions in heaven that I will. I am okay with that.
MRWBBIII on Tue, April 06, 2010
Wendi Hammond on Tue, April 06, 2010
One of my seminar profs used the “circle of orthodoxy” image, and that works best for me. Some people have a circle that is far too big, includes things that have nothing to do with orthodoxy, judging by the hills they are willing to die on. Others have a circle of orthodoxy not much bigger than a dot, judging by flatland in the “hill to die on” region. My circle is pretty much limited those things that our faith fathers wrestled with and labored over centuries ago as the ancient creeds evidenced.
But this conflict raises another issue about how much we can disagree with someone in order to carry out our kingdom assignments. I might be willing to partner with someone in ministry even with a disagreement about an issue within my circle of orthodoxy, for example, I could join my youth group with a youth group from a Mormon church to feed the poor in my city, but I wouldn�t invite the Mormon youth pastor to speak at my camp. And I might invite someone to speak with whom I disagree on issues, but again, won�t it depend on the context and agenda. I�ve learned tons of things from leaders at the Willow Creek Summit who are not even Christians, and also from Christians with whom I disagree. However, I�d be differently selective if I was holding an evangelism or discipleship conference. And when it comes to where I attend church and worship, I will look for things that are important to me, but outside my circle of orthodoxy. I�d never make it at JP�s church and probably not even at RW�s, but that is because of MY issues, not theirs.
If it bothers you to feed the poor alongside Mormon kids, don�t send your kids. If you don�t like the speakers I invite to my conference, don�t come. If you don�t agree with the methods or what I choose as core doctrines for my church, don�t join. Why on earth isn�t that enough . . . there is so much more to spend our energy on.
I don�t agree with either of them completely, but I sure respect both these guys very much.
Wendi Hammond on Tue, April 06, 2010
Oops, it was at “seminary” not a “seminar” that I explored the circle of orthodoxy.
David Buckham on Tue, April 06, 2010
Great point Wendi.
One of my college profs once said, Gold is gold regardless of where you find it. It might not be as big a chuck as you like, but it’s still gold.
Then again, another favorite flame guy on here, Rob Bell, once said something of the lines of biting into a chocolate covered turd. On the outside it looked and smelled so good, but man, you were deceived.
all about Christ,
MRWBBIII on Thu, April 08, 2010
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