Southern Baptists May Remove Church for Woman Co-Pastor
- Posted on April 08, 2010
- Viewed 1002 times
- (51) comments

Rev. Mimi Walker was ordained in 2003 and serves as co-pastor with her husband of Druid Hills Baptist Church. That's the sole reason that the Georgia Baptist Convention wants to remove the church from its role.
The 52 year old former missionary wonders why.
“It seems sad that they decided to go backwards in time...I’m not sure what the value is of trying to go back in time when women were held in subservience.”
More from an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution:
The GBC’s executive committee made the recommendation to sever ties with the church at a March 16 meeting. If its recommendation is approved at the annual convention in November, the GBC would no longer accept money from Druid Hills for missions and programs, nor would the church be able to send delegates — called messengers — to future annual meetings.
“...Druid Hills Baptist Church of Atlanta is not a cooperating church as defined in Article II, Section 1 of the constitution because a woman is serving as co-pastor of the church,” the GBC said in a statement.
“We are keeping faith with the Baptist Faith and Message with regard to women serving as pastor,” GBC executive director J. Robert White said in a statement. “The GBC has never been opposed to women serving in ministry positions other than pastor.”
The Georgia Baptist Convention, an affiliate of the Nashville-based Southern Baptist Convention, has roughly 3,600 churches. There are 41 state conventions throughout the country. The Georgia convention is one of the 41 affiliates, but it has its own constitution and bylaws.
The church will prepare a response if the GBC should “dis-fellowship” it, the Rev. Graham Walker said.
You can read the whole article here...
What do you think? Regardless of your view of women in ministry, is this something that is worth dis-fellowshipping over?
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Pastor Matt on Fri, April 09, 2010
KA, your post just a few blocks up goes:
Matt I�m fully aware of the contemporary theological thougts on the Pauline Epistles� My Graduate level focus was in the Pauline Epistles� having studied them in Greek I�m fully aware (M.Div with minor in Greek Studies� Currently working on my D.D in Greek Studies)... I�m also aware of the contemporary bias that�s brought into many of today�s contemporary theologians� for you to suggest I�m uninformed is folly� you suggest based upon me being Baptist that i said women doesn�t have apart in ministry� which is not what i said nor hinted to� I said God has ordained different functions for the male and female genders�
Once again� Matt you haven�t proved where I�m unbiblical in my understanding as a Baptist� still waiting on at least one scripture�
How is that now banging on about the women in ministry topic? Seriously KA, learn the rules of a discussion.
Pastor Matt on Fri, April 09, 2010
I’m posting to unsubscribe from this thread (if that’s how this blog system works), clearly we can neither agree nor discuss. Blessings in your future endevour for the kingdom.
K. A. Christian on Fri, April 09, 2010
Matt was my replys not all in reponse to what you stated?
I know the rules of discussions… you… brought the discussion like CS stated in the other direction… (You laid the course of the tangent with your initial statement about their decision of forbidding women to be pastors being unbiblical and Pharasiacal.)... so I guess the rules are… you could post whatever you want and not expect replies… help me understand your dialogue…
Pastor Matt on Fri, April 09, 2010
The unsubscribe function clearly does not work.
You said > You laid the course of the tangent with your initial statement about their decision of forbidding women to be pastors being unbiblical and Pharasiacal
A point I clarified later as being irrelevant to the discussion in hand, hence me stating that I do not need to present scripture (as you mischievously accused me of a couple of posts ago). I apologise for stating that fact on about 1200 occasions but for some reason you don’t seem to get that I’ve said it was a side issue regardless of who stated it.
Circles? Yes we’re going in some.
CS on Fri, April 09, 2010
Pastor Matt:
Let’s keep this extremely simple. Why, in your opinion, is it wrong for an organization to say who’s in and who’s out, based upon the rules that they created and that all parties agreed to abide to initially?
JAM on Mon, April 12, 2010
I think you guys wasted alot of time arguing with Matt. this is a brick wall and definately proves how narrow the gate.
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