Steven Furtick preaching for 24 hours to promote new book
- Posted on September 20, 2010
- Viewed 1312 times
- (19) comments

Pastor Steven Furtick has come up with an innovative idea for the launch of his new book, Sun Stand Still... he's attempting to preach for 24 hours beginning at noon EST on September 21st. As Steven puts it: 24 hours of preaching and celebrating the fact that we serve a God who shatters our conceptions of what is possible.
Here's a little more of what Steven writes at his blog:
And we’re inviting the world to participate. We will live stream the entire event on You can tune in while you’re at work. Watch as a family from your home. Even if you wake up at 3 am and can’t sleep, I’ll still be there.
Some people might think it’s a stupid idea. After all, I’m preaching half a year’s worth of sermons in a day. And they’re probably right. Then again Joshua praying for the sun to stand still probably seemed pretty stupid at the time too. But God honored his audacious faith.
Some people have asked me, “What exactly do you mean by preaching 24 hours straight?”
Obviously I won’t be preaching every single minute of every single hour. We will have interviews and videos interspersed throughout the day. Our staff will make appearances for special giveaways throughout the event as we hope to drive book sales the day of the release and supplement leaders with additional free resources. But for part of every single hour, I will be straight up preaching. And I’m going to give my best whether it’s 12 noon, or 12 midnight.
So whatever your schedule looks like next Tuesday and Wednesday, choose one of the 24 hours in the day and tune in. It’s the closest we can come to making the sun still stand still. Let’s see what happens when we dare to ask God for the impossible.
What do you think? Will you watch?
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Fred on Wed, September 22, 2010
His book was written to promote cash money.
unknown on Wed, September 22, 2010
Fred- I’m pretty sure this book isn’t just about money. Sure, God can shatter our perceptions of what He can do when we submit our finances to Him-but this book isn’t just about tithing and honoring God with our finances. Check it out for yourself to see.
prestonhayden on Wed, September 22, 2010
Has anyone here asked what the book proceeds go to? All i see is religious leaders atacking a man of God because they read a headline. I happen to know that every penny of profit goes back into the church (not Furticks bank account) so that people can be reached and souls can be saved. This is a church that just gives away millions of dollars a year to africa and the homeless in its own city. So is it a gimicky promotion? Sure but he is promoting book sales to be more affective for the kingdom not to pad his bank account.
Peter Hamm on Wed, September 22, 2010
for my part I don’t care where the proceeds go, and even if he makes money off the book, I have no problem with it. Not the issue. If he wants to be seen as the man of integrity that he seems to be from all accounts, perhaps doing something gimmicky like this isn’t the way to further that perception, though.
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