Sunday Comes Every Week, it Seems
- Posted on May 10, 2010
- Viewed 3502 times
- (35) comments

I'm sure many of you have seen this video, produced by the production team at North Point. It's really funny; and really true...
I think it's good when we can laugh at ourselves.
I wonder what this video would have looked like in 2000, or 1990, or 1987 when I took my first official church job.
The thing that makes parody funny is the shades of truth.
I have two questions for you today. Take a moment and post a quick comment below...
1. What about "Sunday's" today bother you?
2. How many of the points in this video were part of your worship service yesterday?
Have a great week!
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CS on Tue, May 11, 2010
“Throwing word-grenades accusing me of “disdain” and “hate” causes me to question the truthfulness of that statement.”
Doubt what you will. But I wasn’t the one saying, “I don’t expect to see something similar coming from the traditional service of a “deeper” church down the road any time soon,” which sounds more like lobbing an incendiary device to me.
“btw, the video was hilarious, wasn’t it… I like stuff like this to keep ME honest…”
Absolutely! When I showed it to my wife, we were laughing at it and putting names of people we knew to it.
Peace out to you, too, bro.
Tim on Thu, May 13, 2010
I loved the video for a number of reasons. First of all, it was funny, which I imagine was one of the major purposes for it’s production. What’s wrong with that? I’m glad that there are people that are secure enough to let others have a laugh at their own expense.
The second reason I loved it is that it was so accurate. Since Jesus left, we the church have established tradition, preached against it, established new models, repeated them until they became tradition and started the process all over again. If there is any implied message in the video (and I do mean “if”) it’s that in breaking away from tradition we have once again established a new one. Time to get on our knees and hear from God again!!!
Yo3tj on Thu, May 13, 2010
“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others.The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. Matt 7:1-2
That’s all I got, folk !
CS on Thu, May 13, 2010
Okay, so that verse essentially says that hypocrisy is wrong. Where are you going with this?
4 Common Sense on Mon, May 24, 2010
You have go to be kidding. I always thought you Christians are fools. This is just one example of that FACT. We already know that you are all morons, this just proves it. You are right. You are a joke and we all know it.
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