The Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey
- Posted on April 06, 2010
- Viewed 1018 times
- (18) comments

Wow. I can honestly say I've never seen this before. Let me ask this... does God reveal himself through the Hokey Pokey? Really?
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David on Tue, April 06, 2010
my thoughts ... ‘hokey’!
David on Tue, April 06, 2010
Is this the same place that did the sock spin in church singing “You spin me round round Jesus round round like a record Jesus round round round round…”
Very silly.
Leonard on Tue, April 06, 2010
I heard that the next week God used “the wheels on the bus go round and round” and some more backs, knees and elbows were healed. I tried this once but I used Rub - a - Dub - Dub three men in a tub and the deacons shut the whole thing down.
CS on Tue, April 06, 2010
“Is this the same place that did the sock spin in church singing �You spin me round round Jesus round round like a record Jesus round round round round��”
Sadly, no. There’s multiple sets of lunatics running around.
Jim on Tue, April 06, 2010
Cheesy? Yes ... I’m just glad we all automatically know these people’s hearts. They are obviously insane and don’t worship in a ‘proper and dignified’ manner. David danced like a wild man (more than likely, naked) before the Lord. We, the readers of this blog, obviously have all the answers. ~~please note this sarcasm comes from a heart of love and a little nausea~~
David on Tue, April 06, 2010
I may (or may not) have dance naked before, whether or not before the Lord, but I NEVER did the hokey pokey in worship or especially naked…. what with all the putting stuff in and out and shaking it all about.
Sincerity is admirable I suppose.
Laurie on Tue, April 06, 2010
Everybody has their own definition or style of worship. WHat’s the important thing? Faith in Jesus. I see them coming to Jesus in faith like a child. I don’t see anything wrong here. God works in mysterious ways!
CS on Tue, April 06, 2010
“Everybody has their own definition or style of worship. WHat’s the important thing? Faith in Jesus. I see them coming to Jesus in faith like a child. I don’t see anything wrong here. God works in mysterious ways! “
These guys are a part of Todd Bentley’s crew, and they all teach heresies. And it does matter how we worship; the Hokey Pokey fails, big time.
JOB on Tue, April 06, 2010
I think this song is stupid, but what I don’t understand is comments like, “These guys are a part of Todd Bentley�s crew, and they all teach heresies.”
What are the heresies? And who are the crew?
Shawn Wilson on Tue, April 06, 2010
Those are strong words CS! Everyone one teaches heresies that are charismatic or because they hang around Todd Bentley. May I ask who in the Church does not preach heresies because it seems that everyone does in your opinion….....which is what that it.
While I find this a little over the top in being in the flesh I would not say that all of these people are lost or even evil. I mean Jesus did things that the “religious leaders” called him the devil over. Like healing the sick, raising the dead, etc. Of course I know someone is going to say, “well where is that here or when has that ever happened here.”
To that I would say, if you find one person serving Christ in the midst of a this is not the fruit good? Maybe not to your liking but there is nothing in the Scripture that says we can’t act like children with the Lord every once in a while. I mean for Gods sakes we are “HIS KIDS AREN’T WE?”
Andymcadams on Tue, April 06, 2010
Did anyone ever think that if you invited someone that is a non-believer to church and this took place…they would NOT hear the gospel clearly mainly because they just might think that once and for all Christians have gone off the deep end. And you know what? Many have. HOLY GHOST HOKEY POKEY? Oh..please!
Leonard on Wed, April 07, 2010
All joking aside, this seems like a cheap parlor tick to manipulate people. to me is shows the trickery/hype manipulation used to get people to act and behave a certain way. It doesn’t have to even be about God in order for people to get manipulated.
JOB on Wed, April 07, 2010
“Did anyone ever think that if you invited someone that is a non-believer to church and this took place�they would NOT hear the gospel clearly “
Great Point! And so we apply that same principle to, sex sermon series’ intended to attract unbelievers to church, messages that include worldly music and entertainment in the name of relevance intended to attract unbelievers to church, using profane shocking language intended to attract unbelievers and make them feel more comfortable in church, etc, etc, etc DO THEY HEAR THE GOSPEL CLEARLY?
CS on Wed, April 07, 2010
“What are the heresies? And who are the crew?”
Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner, and Morningstar Ministries, which facilitates their larger movements such as the Lakeland Revival last year, are fraught with problems. I would recommend checking out YouTube for some of the videos of the things that Bentley was teaching, including baptizing people in the name of, “The Father, The Son, and Skeekahboomba.”
Shawn Wilson:
“May I ask who in the Church does not preach heresies because it seems that everyone does in your opinion….....which is what that it.”
Sorry to have given you that impression. There are tons of orthodox, good, solid Bible preachers out there. To name a few notable ones off the top of my head: MacArthur, Piper, Chandler, Chan, Washer, and Comfort. Including those who have gone to glory, Luther, Spurgeon, Whitefield, and Moody.
“While I find this a little over the top in being in the flesh I would not say that all of these people are lost or even evil. “
You’re right that they all may not be lost. But, remember that Bentley, who helped organize the band behind this video, is an unrepenant adulterer, false prophet, and preaches another Gospel.
“To that I would say, if you find one person serving Christ in the midst of a this is not the fruit good?”
I recall Spurgeon, who said that if he could tell by a whiff that a piece of meat is spoiled,overall, he wouldn’t take the time to try to pick out the good pieces to eat from the rottenness. This isn’t a, “eat the meat, spit out the bones,” situation.
“Maybe not to your liking but there is nothing in the Scripture that says we can’t act like children with the Lord every once in a while.”
We can (and do) act like kids from time to time. But there’s a big difference between doing that infrequently and it being an ongoing way of worship, that promises people supernatural healing. And, there’s 1 Corinthians 13 to temper this.
“I mean for Gods sakes we are “HIS KIDS AREN’T WE?” “
Some of us are, and some are described in 1 John as being children of the devil. We have to be cautious. Just because someone proclaims to be Christian does not make him a Christian.
allen on Wed, April 07, 2010
Notice the enthusiasm of the piano player at approximately 4:26 in the video. Was that a “holy ghost yawn”?
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