The Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey
- Posted on April 06, 2010
- Viewed 1021 times
- (18) comments

Wow. I can honestly say I've never seen this before. Let me ask this... does God reveal himself through the Hokey Pokey? Really?
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Andymcadams on Wed, April 07, 2010
Shocking language is never a good thing…regardless of the intention. Worldly music I suppose it in the ear of the beholder…if it’s real woship music I don’t have a big problem with it…some I like..some I don’t Not sure I like all the hymns either. As far as messages about sex or any other topic to draw other people to church…well…at least that comes from THE WORD OF GOD….not some kids song that has nothing to do with anything spiritual whatsoever. Also…what better place to learn about sexuality then at church…from the Bible?
JAN on Thu, April 08, 2010
This just makes me want to puke. How does this honor God in any way?
LauriWynn on Fri, July 16, 2010
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