The importance of our words
- Posted on October 18, 2010
- Viewed 402 times
- (1) comments

One of the blogs I really enjoy reading is called SAMBA. Today, I read a particularly interesting post (I like the posts at SAMBA because they're all really short!) about the importance of our words. Let's face it... words mean things, and as church leaders, we think that the WAY we say things is important. I would also argue that the WORDS we use are also of primary importance.
Here's the premise from the SAMBA post: "We often use ambigous language to shield ourselves from reality."
We say we want get "healthy" because it's easier to say than "lose 30 pounds".
I made "some" sales calls yesterday...hides the fact that we only made "3".
Declaring to our colleagues that someday we'd like to run for a "national office" because we're too embarrassed to say "I want to run for President."
Words are particularly important for those of us involved in ministry. Ambigous language can very easily be seen by others as lying (or at the very least, not telling the whole truth).
When you're dealing with your staff or the people in your church, choose your words wisely. Don't shield yourself from reality or try to cover for yourself. Shoot straight. Tell the truth, in love.
People know the truth anyway.
And if they don't hear the truth from you, or if they feel that you're sugar-coating anything, it will eventually undermine your leadership.
Choose your words wisely. People are listening to you. Make sure your word is truth. Your credibility depends on it.
You can read this post (or others) on SAMBA now right here...
QUESTION: Has your own ambigous language ever gotten you in trouble? Care to share?
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Leonard on Mon, October 18, 2010
These are great thoughts. I sometimes use ambigious words becasue they collect people. In a room of 150 people I might say, some of you are concerned about your health… then use singular words Your weight… your blood pressure… stress… cancer… this helps to continue to identify and build bridges.
In personal conversations I really try to watch this so people are not confused when we talk.
Great to have you back this week Todd.
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