The Last Temptation of Ted Haggard
- Posted on January 31, 2011
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- (25) comments

It's the most telling and honest article about the Ted Haggard scandal to date. Actually, it was like someone spiked Ted's drink before he granted an interview with GQ. I think the drink was spiked with 1/2 truth syrum and 1/2 grain alcohol that provided for a very candid and disturbing article.
The candid and disturbing:
- What really happened in the scandal that took Haggard down (at least the current version). Warning: It goes into some very graphic details.
- Haggard's fall not only included homosexuality, but pornography and the use of crystal meth.
- Haggard says that others involved in this scandal (accusers, participants, and his original overseer team) will all end up publicly repenting, just like he already has.
- He and wife Gayle refer to the church he founded as "the old Soviet Union" and the Gulag.
- Haggard says if he was 21 in this society, he would identify himself as bisexual.
- The only question Haggard wouldn't answer was "Do you watch porn anymore". The response: "Now we're gettinginto what should happen between me, my wife, and my therapist."
- The picture of Ted kissing his wife in the hot tub, along with his family (and daughter in bikini) was just a little over the top for me.
I know I will get emails for even mentioning this article at MMI. I get no joy out of typing the above. Actually, it makes me sad... and angry.
Sad, because... well... this whole situation sucks. Sin is so ugly. And secret sin... when it is hidden (as it was in this instance, for years), has so many levels, becomes so mixed up, and so hypocritical. Rarely, do we see anyone who has lived a secret sin life for this long, be able to fully come clean, repent, and accept the seriousness of their action. That is the case with Ted. Here's a line in the article that I wish I would have written myself:
Ted may be telling the truth, but his peculiar brand of self-victimization and protestation—in which every "I messed up" is followed by a "but... "—makes it hard for people in Colorado Springs to believe that he's actually sorry for what he did. One former New Life member expressed what seems to be the general sentiment surrounding his resurgence: "I think Ted genuinely loves God, and I think he has a sincere interest in helping people, but I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth."
Wow... that sums it up for me. The repentance seems to take a back seat for me whenever the self-victimization and the 'but...'s come in.
This also makes me angry because I know that this story is in GQ, and it will only reinforce stereotypes of Christians. Having more details behind what went down with Ted's fall only show how serious a hypocrite and sinner he was. I don't see much redeeming quality in that for Ted or the reader.
But there is redeeming quality in it for those of us who work in the church. We must not allow sin to ravage our lives. You may not have the popularity and following that Ted Haggard had; but you do have people watching you. If you work at the church, people expect a higher level of personal integrity and purity from you. And when you fall, you'll fall hard... whether you're in a church of 50 or 10,000.
If you're reading this as a church leader, and your way in over your head in sin and there's no way out... you've got to find a way. It will be so much easier if you get help for yourself before someone else finds out and mandates that for you.
So... take Ted's story as an example of the need of personal integrity. As a pastor, you're honesty, integrity, and personal testimony are all you have. When you lose them, it's a slippery path to nowhere. While none of us may fall as fast and hard as Haggard, it's an important warning to check our motives, to keep our lives pure, and to not make excuses and allow sin to grab a stronghold in our lives.
QUESTION: What could be your downfall?
Take some time today and consider this: what could be your downfall if you aren't careful. Maybe for you it's not sexual at all... maybe it's another area: integrity or honesty. Maybe it's financial impropriety. Maybe it's drugs or alcohol. Maybe it's that you really don't want to be a pastor but you really don't know what else to do. We all have an area that could take us down if we gave in to it. it's important that we're honest with ourselves about what those areas are. If you need to talk with someone (a friend, your spouse, a counselor) about this one thing... do so today.
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Milton Stanley on Mon, January 31, 2011
Writing about Ted & co. in a hot tub is not a problem. Writing “this whole situation sucks” is simply crude. Todd, you ought to be old enough to know the origin of that term and articulate enough to come up with a more polite alternative. It’s your website, so I’m sure you’ll do what you think is best, but I offer this advice as a faithful reader of your work. I’m a military veteran and not overly sensitive to strong language, but it’s unseemly to find mature believers expressing themselves like worldy teenagers.
Robert on Mon, January 31, 2011
I appreciate a lot of the comments here so far. This discussion is making me reflect, not react, and that’s a good sign you guys are making sense.
I’m a Presbyterian Pastor, Teaching Elder as we are called (PCA). I’m a part of a group of men (35 pastors/Teaching Elders, 5x more Ruling Elders) who form the Central Florida Presbytery.
We deal with TE’s who fail in about as loving and consistent fashion as possible. We do (though it’s weaker than I would like) preventative steps, we follow up when there has been actual charges and either suspension or termination of a man’s ordination.
We consistently fail to deal with the fallout in that man’s marriage and especially with the wife. We don’t know what to do about that, and we usually just encourage the local church to love her and get her friends to feel like they have permission to get involved. But we are struggling there.
In that context:
Ted H did submit himself to a process not unlike the one I’ve described above.
Ted H did not come clean. Four years later, he’s still leaking new details about his sin and deception. He’s still not coming clean.
And so on.
Let me get to the bottom of this—
The church can love Ted H and still not trust him. And what Ted H seems to want to say is that unless we love him MORE and trust him MORE than before, we are the bad people. He seems to be saying that because of what he did (and is still doing, he’s not repentant by any stretch of the imagination) makes him MORE qualified as a minister than before.
This cannot be the case. Should I sin that grace may abound? Me� g�noito!
Lon on Mon, January 31, 2011
wow. enlightening article… and fantastic question at the end to bring it home.
champ on Mon, January 31, 2011
I was under the leadership of a pastor. “His” pastor was Ted. Ted was the top “overseer” of the church. The pastor was similar to Ted. He was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He could be an arrogant horse’s behind, but when it was church time he was instantly transformed into an angel of light.. He was also a liar, even in his own testimony.
While Ted was having gay sex he was still preaching great and baptizing people.
It makes me a little sick now when I hear people talking about what a good speaker someone is. Pastor worship is alive and well.
Rev. Roger Olsen on Tue, February 01, 2011
My downfall was Gambling Addiction. I have been clean and sober for 15 years. I am now a full time Therapist and Pastoring a church. God is still in the business of granting 2nd chances. As far as This Haggard guy is concerned….He has a huge EGO problem…....EGO stands for “Edging God Out”. He has full blown addiction problems and possibly an AXIS II personality disorder. He has no boundaries. ENOUGH SAID!
Mark Simpson on Tue, February 01, 2011
You can’t compare Tiger with Haggard. Tiger is a confessed Buddhist. Haggard preached the Word of God for decades and knew it through and through. Jesus did say that discipline and punishment varies, based on how well we knew our Master’s will. (Luke 12:44-48). David, who also knew His Master’s will rather well, was forgiven, but his adulterous decision impacted him and his family for the rest of their lives. This was not due to wag-tongued believers, but due to God’s own judgment through His prophet. Folks, we’re playing with fire here; put out the matches, drop the gas can, JUST GET AWAY. And pray; while the person is breathing they can always change.
Bob on Tue, February 01, 2011
Milton, I encourage a little grace with your word to Todd about the word “sucks”. It may be the generation you come from but the word “sucks” has morphed over the last 30+ years. It means “stinks”, “bad” etc. It is a much used socially acceptable word. I am certain Todd did not mean it the way you took it. I agree with Todd, the whole thing “stinks”, “sucks” and is bad.
Shawn Wilson on Tue, February 01, 2011
I’m just wondering but how is it that we can all pass judgment on Ted like we have talked to him or have a relationship with him? The only one that has talked to him is Tony.
Also I think Ted might just be right about the Church’s inability to forgive like Jesus. I see it all the time!! So someone fails…....there is not one freaking person that comments on this site that hasn’t sinned in the last month!!! So whats the difference? Has God forgiven you? Have you forgiven you? Then we should forgive you too.
As far as people saying Ted is not a Christian or whatever…...really? I find that those that are “wolf watchers,” Are really the wolves themselves!!
1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 Tells us how to love Ted and each other…..are you doing that? Might what to check into that before you start making comments about Ted and his life. Talk the plank out of your eye and then you can help Ted with the speck in his.
Rev. Roger on Wed, February 02, 2011
Sounds like Ted has a full blown addiction and needs a lot of psychological help. He should step down from the ministry and get some help before the addiction kills him.
rbud on Wed, February 02, 2011
This is a very tiring thread. Don’t you folks have enough local people to pick on? I don’t know whether or not Ted repented, genuinely, really, spiritually, whatever. That’s between him and Christ.
If Ted were being tried at the wall for prostitution, I have no doubt that some of you would be fighting amongst yourselves over who could throw the most stones first and fastest.
Let’s move on.
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