Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    The Vatican:  Homer Simpson is Catholic

    The Vatican:  Homer Simpson is Catholic

    A semi-official Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano has declared that Homer and Bart Simpson are, in deed, catholic: "'Not many people know it, and he does everything he can to hide it. But it's true, Homer J. Simpson is Catholic.''  This, even though, as any casual Simpsons observer can tell you, the Simpsons attend a Protestant church.

    Here's a little more from an article in the HeraldSun:

    In that article Fr Orchetta said, ''The Simpsons are one of the few TV programs for children left in which Christian faith, religion and questions about God are recurring themes.

    ''The family say a prayer before their meals and, in their way, believe in the afterlife.”

    The Simpsons executive producer Al Jean, speaking to Entertainment Weekly, expressed “shock and awe” at Fr Orchetta’s appraisal.

    “I guess it makes up for me not going to church for 20 years,” he joked. He pointed out that The Simpsons attend a Protestant church on the show.

    “We’ve pretty clearly shown that Homer is not Catholic,” he said.  “I really don’t think he could go without eating meat on Fridays - for even an hour.”

    Mr Orchetta  focused on a 2005 episode in which Bart attends Catholic school after being expelled from Springfield Elementary, which leads Homer to convert to Catholicism, ANSA reported.

    Religion is a common theme on the show - usually through support characters such as Reverend Lovejoy or Ned Flanders.

    But Homer has regular grapples with God - including the early episode when he decides to stay home from church and has the best. day. ever, until his house catches on fire.

    Then again, Homer also sold his soul to the Devil (Flanders) for a doughnut.

    Hmmm... just for fun:  what denomination do you think these cartoon characters would be?  Let's open up nominations:

    1.  Family Guy

    2.  Yosemite Sam

    3.  Beevis

    4.  Butthead

    5.  Sponge Bob

    6.  Patrick

    7.  Squidward






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    1. Carla on Mon, October 18, 2010

      The maker of the Simpsons is a Oral Robert’s University drop-out. If you go into Ned Flander’s house, you’ll see that he has a ORU certificate on his wall. The Simpson’s act like catholics though in the sense that they don’t really want to love and serve God, just to go through a few motions to get out of hell.

    2. bright on Mon, October 18, 2010

      Well, in GABF09, Homer does consider converting to Catholicism from “The Western Branch of American Reform Presbylutheranism”, but I don’t think he actually went through with it.

    3. Peter Hamm on Tue, October 19, 2010

      I dunno about all of them, but I do know for a fact that Yosemite Sam is Baptist.

    4. bishopdave on Tue, October 19, 2010

      Beevis’ dad is a methodist pastor.

    5. Eric Joppa on Tue, October 19, 2010

      Ha Ha Ha! Dave! That was good!

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