Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    The Vote:  49 to 4… Pastor, You’re Outta Here!  Pastor Responds:  “

    The battle, played out at the courthouse, has divided families and split the membership. Some members decided to leave the church where they were baptized to follow Allen to a new ministry. But leaving Pine Grove has tainted relationships steeped in history and community.

    And both sides maintain they were only doing God’s will.

    Read the whole article here...

    Two years after the Rev. Roy C. Allen took a job he said he didn’t want in the first place, he was fired. Twice, if you ask some people. The second time, for those who are counting, his employment status was decided in a courthouse. “I didn’t want to come. This church had a reputation … The pastor before me, they ran him away, too," Allen said. “But it wasn’t my decision. It was God’s." Firing Allen has proved a tumultuous journey for not only the fallen pastor but also the entire congregation...


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