Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Things that are Changing in the Church

    Things that are Changing in the Church

    My friend (and boss) Dave Travis recently assembed a list of things you should know about that are changing in the church...

    Here's his list.  See if you agree/disagree, or if there is something you'd like to add:

    1. The rise of Multi Site churches – multi site changes everything as we say.
    2. Social Media penetration – I read that 85% of Americans aged 18-29 logged onto at least on


      e social media site in August 2009. That’s one month not year to date. I think widespread


      adoption of this communication medium changed how we perceive leadership so I think it changes churches.


    3. Internet Campuses – They’re here and they are about to be “in a box” so any size church can have one if the want. For some this will be a fad but for others this is going to be a big part of their reaching strategy going forward.


    4. Growth of Teaching Teams – that is a big, accepted change from when I joined


      Leadership Network almost 15 years ago. It’s almost like everyone wants to do it now while they may not know quite how to do it.
    5. New Church Development by young 20/30s. People say this generation is not going to church. They are. They aren’t going to existing churches, they are flooding some new churches.
    6. Online giving – this number continues to rise and some churches in Europe tell me that they get 80% of their giving through this channel. That is way above US. So I think eventually the number will rise. They tend to get it by automated draft by the way. Probably the most consistent way to get it.
    7. The iPhone revolution of communications. Probably more accurately called the smartphone revolution with others now coming on market. How will we communicate in the future – lots being driven via these hand held devices. Pay attention to that.
    8. Big change – Availability of appreciated stock . So what does that matter. Lots of gifts in the past came through that type of giving. When it ain’t around no more its hard to build an extravagant building. Might be a good thing.
    9. Availability of home equity. Not as much as there used to be. Plus is that it is driving folks to be more fiscally responsible. My guess is that it might have some short term affects on churches in subtle ways.
    10. More thinking of church “beyond the walls”. In Leadership Network language that means “Externally Focused Churches” being the best church FOR your community. (We have lots on this one)
    11. Lots more multi racial churches (though perhaps not multi cultural churches). We have been tracking these numbers for some time. What this means? Well if you are in the building and advisement industry, (like these people are ) it means that the committee or team you are working with may have different assumptions within their own team to be worked through.
    12. Mobility of Americans – I recently read how that total percentages were down. I attribute mobility factors as a big reason for megachurch attraction. If people aren’t moving at least 10 miles away as much, they tend to stay in their same patterns.
    13. The book/magazine/church conference business – Anything print seems to be suffering so there is a big restructuring going on there. Also in the church conference business, there are going to be a few winners, a few that can survive and a lot that go under. So a restructuring there as well.

    You can read more here...

    What do you think?  How does this relate to you or your ministry?  Is there anything you would add, or anything you would disagree with?

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments...



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    1. 3d oyunlar on Thu, November 19, 2009

      thanks admin
      information is the most beautiful treasures

    2. Free twitter backgrounds on Wed, December 02, 2009

      I guess there’s nothing wrong with social networking. However, social networking can be a one of many strategies of link building too. If you want to advertise you business, social networking is a great option too.

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