Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Today’s Buzz: Church Reneges on Contest, Top Ten Stupid Things Christians Have Said, and More&

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    You Would Look So Cool on Sunday Morning Sporting This Microphone
    It’s one of the original signature microphones that Bob Barker used on The Price is Right.  It’s on sale now at eBay.  Current bid is just $19,205.  And all the proceeds go to help keep our pets spayed and neutered.  It could be the perfect Christmas gift for the pastor who has everything.

    I’ve Been Nominated!
    OK… I have one vote (and it wasn’t me OR my mother) for the Best Religion Blog over at  They even have a neat button I can proudly display:

    My site was nominated for Best Religion Blog!

    Thanks, journeyguy, whoever you are, for nominating me!

    The top spot currently (with 395 votes) is a catholic news blog called “The Cafeteria is Closed”.  If I was a competitive sort, I’d mobilize a campaign to kick some Catholic blog butt.  ( ‘he said butt’ ).

    What Pastors and Children’s/Youth Pastors REALLY Want...
    Here’s the link...

    Some Link Love to My Wal-Mart Friends
    Some have picked up my post about Wal-mart.  Here are a couple:  Provocative Church has some good comments for their local church from the article… Out in the Sticks also uses the piece to ask some questions of his church. 

    Church Without Walls Took My House Away From Me
    The Tampa Bay newspaper has not been nice to Randy and Paula White recently… including this story about the Whites reneging on a deal to give away a house.  I’m sure there are two sides to every story; but this one sounds a little fishy whichever way you cut it… and the sad part is that the story hit the media since it couldn’t be handled inside the church.  Here’s the Story... And here’s another...

    Top Ten Things A Pastor Has Heard… from Christians
    Here’s a fascinating list… things like “Las Vegas is sin city. Christians have no place being anywhere near that town. Jesus would not be caught dead there;” and “If my son grows up to be a homosexual I am holding you personally responsible.”

    QUESTION: What is the most OUTRAGEOUS thing a ‘christian’ has ever said to you?

    Have a great day!

    Today, we'll hear about how you can look even more cool (and relevant!) this Sunday just by winning an eBay auction... More on Wal-mart; things that pastors and youth pastors/children's pastors really want, a church that has a PR crisis over a dream home contest; and some outrageous things said by... you guessed it... Christians.


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    1. shadowette on Wed, June 13, 2007

      “It is better for me to give my kid cigarettes than to have her go steal them from a store because she wants them and can’t afford them. “

      Said to me by the parent of a youth group member after I ASKED (not ordered) that smoking not be allowed at youth events.

    2. Bill on Wed, June 13, 2007

      Thanks for the “linkage love!”.  My church has picked on this blog post, and I am getting some great feed back from the congregation.  Thanks again for the heads up on Wal_Mart, it was the right seed that help germinate my thoughts.

    3. Camey on Wed, June 13, 2007

      “The most OUTRAGEOUS?”  TIE! -

      1) “As a pastor’s wife and women’s minister you should not associate with those type of girls/women.”

      2) “They should not be allowed in our church.”

      3) “What would the president of the seminary say?”

      Each said to me by more than one person. More than one person has since apologized. They now are a part of the prayer team for my class. Part of the assignment: Praying for themselves too and others who are still thinking it but not saying it with words.

      And YES….... You should have at least 2 votes now….. lol

    4. Camey on Wed, June 13, 2007

      Yes… I know… wrong url… this one is correct. lol

    5. Jeff on Wed, June 13, 2007

      During an altar call a young woman who had been struggling with drugs and alcohol came forward to publicly profess faith in Christ.  She was wearing black jeans, black tennis shoes, and a t-shirt advertising some band…I want to say AC/DC.  She had just started working so she had no money.  She looked rough to say the least.  This is what I heard a lady behind me say during this moment:

      “Oh good.  Now she can go out buy some decent clothes.”

      I think the topper though was nothing that was said to me but to a girl who had a baby at age 17 and decided to give it up for adoption:

      “I don’t know why you come here (meaning church).  There is no way God will forgive you.”

      Honest engine…that’s what he said.

    6. Journeyguy on Wed, June 13, 2007

      You’re welcome for the nommy! MMI has become a regular stop and link for me! I appreciate all the hard work you put into your site.

    7. cynthia on Wed, June 13, 2007

      The stupidest thing that a Christian ever said to me was spoken by a pastor.  It was 25 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday.

      I was a brand new convert and I drug a reluctant family member to a large revival-style rally.  The pastor presiding over the meeting said, “Is there anyone here who brought an “unsaved” friend or family member here.  If so please stand up and raise your hand.”  I jumped to my feet and my hand shot up. 

      My relative looked up at me, turned blood red, stood up and walked out of the service.  We have never spoken of it since.

    8. Jan on Wed, June 13, 2007

      After I lost a baby

      “Oh well Lord knows that wasn’t a planned pregnancy!  So, it’s really good that you lost this baby.  God sure knows what He’s doing!”

    9. Andy McAdams on Thu, June 14, 2007

      I can think of two that will probably never leave me or keep me from thinking how dumb people can be at times.

      When we were considering some changes in our ministry during my second church someone said, “but we need to have a mid-week prayer meeting, it’s biblical.”

      The other was after our 7 yr old daughter suddenly passed away.  Someone said, “God must have needed another angel to sing in the choir in heaven.”  Another person said, “well, it’ll all come out in the wash.”  HUH?  What is that suppose to mean?  Maybe we should do a post on MMI about dumb things people say when someone dies.  I’ve got about a dozen more of those.

    10. Karen on Thu, June 14, 2007

      I had a pastor tell me once that it was impossible for me to be passionate about more than one “area” in the church - God doesn’t work that way.

      Wonder what one area he was passionate about?

    11. Bart on Thu, June 14, 2007

      How about this one:

          “It wouldn’t be a bad thing to go without a pastor for a year or two, after all, we wouldn’t be paying a salary so we could build up the bank account.”

    12. Jan on Thu, June 14, 2007

      I heard a lady ask a teen-age girl what she wanted to do for the Lord.  Her response was “Dance!”

      The lady’s reply was classic “I’m sorry honey,  God doesn’t use dancers.  You’ll have to pick another.”

    13. Brian L on Thu, June 14, 2007

      Regarding the church giving the house away…

      I guess “the devil is in the details.”  Apparently it was not clear UP FRONT that the contest was for a down payment instead of the house.  If the story is correct, then the church should have spelled it out nineteen different ways so people would see the whole story and not become confused.

      It was very sad to see that this lady not only left her church, but has given up on all others as well.

      Unfortunately, she’s not the only one that has been burned by a church (if that indeed happened) and gave up on the whole deal.

    14. P.o.C. on Fri, June 15, 2007

      Here’s my favorite from someone else.  It’s advice to a person to get a new Bible after seeing the old worn one that they’d been using: “You don’t go into battle with a rusty sword.”

      The worst one I myself have heard came during a congregational meeting where people discussed offering different forms of worship.  One person observed that certain “contemporary” styles were more typical of African-American churches, and said, “If those people want that kind of worship, they can go someplace else.”

    15. Melody on Fri, June 15, 2007

      Wow.  I’ve heard so much stupid in church, it’s hard to pick a top one.

      Off the top of my head, I’ll choose the time a lay speaker at church (thank heaven, not my pastor) took note that my then-unsaved husband was in church with me and decided to give his testimony.  This guy had indeed had a rough background, and had figuratively crawled across broken glass to the Lord.   But then, at the end, he looked straight at my husband and said, “...and the Lord saved me and so I immediately took out my earring, cut my hair, threw out all that demonic rock and roll music from my house, and bought a King James Bible.”  I nearly crawled under the pew.  My husband was a musician, long haired, wore an earring.  He didn’t drink or use drugs, and was a loving, faithful husband and father.  He was also investigating Christianity using an NIV study Bible.

      To his credit, the pastor came to our house and apologized to my husband.  My husband was saved in that little IBBF mission church in Utah, led to the Lord by an ultra fundamentalist, KJV only pastor.  No, he didn’t cut his hair, take out his earring, or throw away his NIV Bible.  He was put in the rotation to pray and testify in church, and the only thing really asked of him was that when he read or quoted scripture aloud in the congregation he do some from the King James Bible.  We could respect the pastor’s pulpit in that way without feeling that we were compromising our convictions.  The pastor and my husband were an odd pair, to be certain.  But the mutual respect and love transcended cultural issues.  They had a love of the Lord and fishing in common, but little else from outward appearance.

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