Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Too Bad This Isn’t Available.  It Would’ve Made a Great Small Group Ice Breaker!

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    glumbert - Mush Mouth: The Game that Never Made It

    Looking for a new small group 'icebreaker'? Well, this game never really made it to market; but I think it's a great idea for a small group icebreaker. Take a look and let me know what you think...


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    1. Kim on Fri, May 09, 2008

      EEEWWWWWW!!!!!  And yet very funny. :-D

    2. bishopdave on Fri, May 09, 2008

      I’ve always wondered why that game wasn’t more popular!

    3. Leonard on Fri, May 09, 2008

      Look like my mothers day gift for my mom question is now answered.  Hamphpiey mbuontherds dmay bmom he said with fingers in his mouth

    4. adam herod on Wed, May 14, 2008

      I think you should serve hot wings as appetizers whenever that game is played.

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