Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Top 10 Tithe Check Memo Notes

    10. Gross, not net—as usual!

    9. Hush Money

    8. Casino winnings!

    7. For voice lessons for worship team!

    6. Thanks for last night…

    5. This equals 12%

    4. Don’t cash before Wednesday

    3. $1 less for every minute past noon

    2. Please don’t spend on crack, again.

    1. NOT for children’s ministry!

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    Church Sign of the Month - October 2007

    I'm so glad The Holy Observer is back and updated... Today, we'll share the Top Ten Tithe Check Memo Notes for your enjoyment, as well as some other good stuff from the refurbished HO...


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    1. Camey on Fri, October 19, 2007

      Funny stuff! Thanks HO and Todd.

    2. Melody on Fri, October 19, 2007

      I once kept books for a church where we had a member that ALWAYS put a designated purpose on the memo of his donation.   Once or twice he designated something that the elder board didn’t want, so they gave the check back.   As far as I know, he didn’t have any argument with the budget.  He was just a little odd that way.

    3. Mark Simpson on Tue, October 23, 2007

      I enjoyed the tithe check comments. My years as a pastor cause me to remember math problems as an issue with tithe checks. People I knew well in church, that were making very good money, would drop off tithe checks for $10.00.  I really do believe that many Christians need a remedial math course so they can understand what “tithe” actually means.

    4. jared on Thu, November 15, 2007

      Good one! i like it.

    5. Retribution on Tue, November 20, 2007

      Mega church pastor commandments…

      <ol><li>I am the lord your Benjamins, who brought you out of the land of high schools, out of the house of poverty; you shall have no other currency before me. You shall not make for yourself a genuine faith, whether in the form of anything that is in scripture, or that is in tradition, or that is from a pontiff.</li>

      <li>You shall not mock the Benjamins.</li>

      <li>Remember the offering, and keep it all.</li>

      <li> For six days you shall pretend to labour and make everyone else do all your work. But the seventh day is a collection day to the Lord your Benjamins; you shall collect once, twice, nay even three times per service.</li>

      <li>Honor your father and your mother and sons and daughters and their spouses with exceedingly high pay, so that your possessions may be great.</li>

        <li>You shall not murder, blackmailing, however, is OK.</li>

        <li> You shall not commit adultery with other currencies, nor fail to collect as often as possible.</li>

        <li> You shall not steal in a way that you get caught</li>

        <li> You shall not bear false witness against the Benjamins, you shall bear false witness to gain as many Benjamins as you can.</li>

      <li>You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour. Instead, you shall covet the offering, take as much as you wish and buy those things so others may covet you.</li></ol>

    6. David Murphey on Tue, February 12, 2008

      My check memo’s just list my affiliate nickname… not funny :(

      Thanks for the list.

    7. Art on Tue, June 10, 2008

      wonderfully great.

    8. online blackjack on Mon, August 04, 2008

      Nice list there, best memo I have received is my affiliate nickname. Which is lame compare to your top 10.

    9. John Arokiaraj on Mon, August 11, 2008

      Thanks for you top ten memo notes. I was expecting this long back.

    10. Atlantic City on Wed, August 20, 2008

      great list!

    11. revolution air jordan on Mon, December 29, 2008

      Reference: Nice picture, very helpful. thanks!!  wonderful air jordan

    12. Shinji on Sun, February 15, 2009

      The top 10 Tithe list definitely made me smile and thought about positive things. Divine Intervention.

    13. jammer on Wed, March 18, 2009

      thank u very nice post

      love it

    14. movers on Wed, March 18, 2009

      made my day so nice lol

    15. Dallas Movers on Tue, March 31, 2009

      fun fun fun


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