Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Top Ways to Lose Your Job in Youth Ministry

    --Leave your Pastor’s kid at an orphanage in Mexico on your annual mission trip.

    --Replace the grape juice with actual wine during communion (this would only really affect Baptists).

    --Teach girls how to smoke cigars and gamble their babysitting money in a game of poker at the girls junior high Bible Study (teaching them to tithe their winnings of course!).

    --Cut up the church’s choir robes to make flags for a capture the flag game.

    --Give your Sr. Pastor a free subscription to the Victoria Secret Catalog, sent to the church address!

    Read the rest here...

    I know alot of youth pastors that don't have this problem, but if you're going to lose your youth ministry job, lose it in one of the top ways!


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    1. RevJeff on Fri, March 30, 2007

      Most of these don’t get you fired if your senior pastor was a youth pastor!  I mean if he relly loved youth ministry he still has his sense of humor… he may even help you plot out a few of them…

      Good stuff though!!!

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