We Christians sure are creative
- Posted on January 07, 2011
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- (21) comments

OK... this is one of the more bizarre things I've seen in a very long while. It was originally found over at Christian Nightmares. I don't know if it's a nightmare, but it sure is different.
Take a look:
What do you think Jesus thinks of this. Does it bring a smile to His face? Does he shake his head in disbelief? Does he snicker a tad bit?
(My guess... if the lady who did this was sincere, and I have no reason to believe she isn't, that he loved it. Probably more than I did. I just thought it was weird.)
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Alan on Mon, January 10, 2011
Steven wrote:
Sorry Jon, not that it�s really relevent to the discussion but I�ve heard so many people that thought; because of the movie Armegedon, that Areosmith wrote that song.
I believe you mean “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” in which Aerosmith played the “Future Villain Band” and did that song in its 5-6-minute appearance in the film.
By the way, that movie was my introduction to those songs, and, to this day, I remain convinced that the performers in the movie did the MUCH SUPERIOR job with them.
Mike Banas on Mon, January 10, 2011
Laughing and really needed the levity in the midst of all the sad things we as pastors have to deal with. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
David on Mon, January 10, 2011
DannyD on Mon, January 10, 2011
I think it’s a joke…. No way that’s supposed to be serious.
Keith on Tue, January 11, 2011
I clicked on this video last night but did not get a chance to watch it then. I was ready for something usual from Todd’s intro about it. I woke the next morning, thinking about God and needing to spend some time with Him in scripture and prayer more than I had been. So, with coffee in hand, I hit play on the video to check it out before moving onto something more “spiritual”. Yes it is odd, but it struck me how she and her helpers are expressing their love for Christ to the world in this way and we are laughing at her. What is the strongest message to a non-believing, saracastic, ridiculing world; our criticism of each other, or someone being a fool for Christ? I think I will camp with her and tap my toes with a smile rather than throw stones with the sneering “better thans”. Sorry Todd, I love your site, but come on, lets promote some Eph 4, building one another up and let the world see our usual love for each other in Christ. “Clomp” (sound of me stepping off my soap box). Hummming, “Come together right now, over me…”
Keith on Tue, January 11, 2011
Post script on my post. I meant to say I was ready to see something “unusual”. Also, I am not directing my comment to Todd directly, he actually posts this with questions to get us thinking and talking. My reaction is more to the tone in the posts from Christians.
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