We’ve Moved!
- Posted on February 12, 2011
- Viewed 234 timess
- (3) comments

We've moved MMI to a new domain and format... the old site is still here (for the present time) but nothing new will be added here. You'll want to go here to see the new site and all the new posts (and all your favorites from the past!)
if you want a Globally Recognized Avatar (the images next to your profile) get them here. Once you sign up, your picture will displayed on any website that supports gravitars.
sakis on Mon, February 14, 2011
We’ve moved MMI to a new domain and format… the old site is still here (for the present time) but nothing new will be added here.
buy isk
Commenter on Mon, February 14, 2011
We wish you’d keep MMI going!
Moving to Wordpress from ExpressionEngine will make life a bit harder (continual security updates). I see you’ve updated to 3.0.5 which is excellent!
Could you turn on “Friendly URLS” on toddrhoades.com so that the URL states what the content is going to be, rather than “?p=1000”
Keep the new site “clean” and the graphics to a minimum, and I’ll keep coming back.
I see you are redirecting the RSS, thanks for making the transition in this regard excellent!
j. on Tue, February 15, 2011
Still getting the internal error report… :(
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