What if your church had just one year to live?
- Posted on February 08, 2011
- Viewed 465 timess
- (10) comments

What would happen if your church had just one year to live?
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bishopdave on Tue, February 08, 2011
Ugency. I liked that.
bishopdave on Tue, February 08, 2011
Try it again.
Urgency. I liked that.
Nancy on Tue, February 08, 2011
I smell a book in the works…
Is Bruce perhaps another David Platt wannabe?
A one-year experience…365 days…..downsizing to live with the little people….prizes for the winning bloggers?
It’s funny that none of these ‘enlightened’ ones will be sacrificing their computers, blogs, iPhones and such. Now THAT would be a sacrifice. Rather than silently following God’s lead without bringing attention to themselves, they must make a little video about their humility, publicize it, and solicit opinions…
God help us.
Michael C on Tue, February 08, 2011
I love his facial expression on the thumbnail. lol
Leonard on Wed, February 09, 2011
I am going to pray he and his church blow the doors off his city.
Nancy on Wed, February 09, 2011
Checked his site….wonder of wonders….there IS a book in the works.
Leonard on Wed, February 09, 2011
Nancy, so and your point is…
Since when is it wrong to write a book?
since when is sacrifice equated to getting rid of computers and blogs…?
Seems like, if I am wrong please forgive me, that you are kind of being harsh on this guy.
Rob on Thu, February 10, 2011
I think Nancy’s point is that it’s a little disingenuous if their ultimate purpose is a book. It calls their other motive into question. (If there is a book)
Nevertheless, there’s nothing wrong with writing a book. However, if you decide to do something like this, you can do it without the publicity. If a book is born out of it, than so be it, but don’t try to coerce God so you can get a book deal.
Nancy on Thu, February 10, 2011
Rob gets it.
Nothing wrong with writing a book.
There is something wrong about publicizing one’s humility. Telling people of your sacrifices smacks of pride and it sure doesn’t mesh with the Bible. Clear and simple. If you think God smiles when we go public with our “humility”, that’s a pretty good indication that His Word has not been consulted.
Leonard on Thu, February 10, 2011
I think my point is it comes across as judgmental to assume that their only purpose is to write a book. The publicity they have generated makes me want to pray for them. I pray they succeed and an entire community is transformed.
If the book can help finance the ministry, wow! What a blessing. To give up a salary for a year is huge. To move a church into a new community to go for it is very cool. If the best you have to offer is…
Suspicion, doubt and chastisement… then who needs the adjustment? The guy putting it all on the line to reach people or the people who judge them without any real reason.
Love believes all things… wonder how this applies here.
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