What Would You Do with $130 Million? Let’s Build a Church!
- Posted on November 05, 2009
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That's the plan at First Baptist Church of Dallas... build a $130 million church complex in the Downtown Dallas arts district.
According to the Associated Baptist Press, First Baptist Church in Dallas has launched what leaders say will be the largest church-building campaign in modern history -- a $130 million project that includes the congregation's first entirely new sanctuary since the 1890s.
Once considered the largest church in the Southern Baptist Convention, First Baptist Church has declined from 25,000 members under its legendary pastor of 50 years, W.A. Criswell, to about 11,000 today.
Under leadership of Robert Jeffress, who took over as pastor in 2007, leaders say the church is growing again, but present facilities are inadequate for innovative ministries needed to reach today's generation.
The plans for the church campus include a high-tech, 3,000-seat worship center, which will double the church's current worship capacity. There will also be an education center and 500-space parking garage.
Several of seven major buildings currently in the church's sprawling complex on six city blocks will be demolished to make way for construction. The current historic sanctuary will remain, with a steeple restored to its original height. It will continue to be used for weddings, funerals and special events.
New landmark features include a towering stone waterfall topped with a luminescent cross. A shallow pool surrounded by green space will provide both a common area for downtown residents and guests and a place for open-air baptism services.
"We're creating what I like to call a spiritual oasis in the middle of downtown Dallas," Jeffress said Oct. 3 on Dallas radio station KBCI. "It is going to be the most beautiful facility in downtown Dallas."
What do you think? A great plan or a total waste of money? $130 million well spent or wasted?
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Pastor Matt on Sun, November 08, 2009
I like how you think Brittany! You’re definitely church staff material!
d mcpherson on Mon, November 09, 2009
Really? Are most of us harping on some amazing things that God is doing at FBC Dallas and judging it? Really? Many mega churches spend a lot of money on big buildings and culturally relevant facilities. What’s the big deal with that? Should we start harping on Willow, Saddleback, Crystal Cathedral, Fellowship Church, Potter’s House, or any of the other 10,000 plus churches in the states?
I’m not from Dallas, but know a few guys who have served on staff at the church. These guys are completely sold out for God and have an incredible heart for reaching the lost in the Dallas metroplex.
Personally, I look forward to hearing the awesome stories of the lives that are changed through the ministries that will be birthed out of this new facility. Let’s watch God do His thing through this awesome church! And pray for God to move there and in our neck of the woods too!
Pastor Matt on Mon, November 09, 2009
What I really dislike is that one cannot question without being called judgemental, critical and a “harper”. I’ve heard that line of thinking many times before and I know exactly where it leads.
Brittany Harper on Wed, November 11, 2009
Pastor Matt, my last name is Harper, isn’t that funny? Thanks so much for the complement, “You�re definitely church staff material!” but I’d much rather be a pastor’s wife!
OK, I was talking to one of my friends at school, you know, the one who won’t let up about all the starving children and how many we could feed for ten or twenty million dollars? So I hit him with a sly “Please, don’t judge me.” And then he said, “Well, you’re judging me for judging you.” He was so right; I am such a hypocrite. Then he apologized and said we all need to use discernment, but I can’t do that without judging. So I better stop posting, because I can’t have an option without disagreeing with someone. That can only a) cause me to judge you or b) cause you to judge me. (Neither of which is a good idea.)
If everyone could please stop discussing everything…if not for yourself, then think of the weaker brother.
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Jimmy on Mon, May 31, 2010
Wow…all I can think is, what would Jesus do? I think he’d flip out.
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