When Almost Isn’t Good Enough…
- Posted on February 07, 2011
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Soles4Souls Founder & CEO, Wayne Elsey, has another title to add to his signature -Author. His new book, Almost Isn't Good Enough is releasing December 26th, theanniversary of Soles4Souls creation. The book shares Wayneʼs story from a teenage boy on the verge of committing suicide to the founder of one of the fastest growing charities in the world. Along the way, Almost Isn't Good Enough takes a look into what has made Soles4Souls grow to where it is today.
Wayne's hope in writing the book is that every person that reads it walks away believing “YOU MATTER” and can make a difference in the world. Almost Isn't Good Enough will speak purpose into your life, much like the purpose Wayne discovered when he founded Soles4Souls. In typical fashion, Wayne is determined to use this book to help others, that is why 100% of the proceeds will go directly towards furthering Soles4Souls mission. For every book sold, 10 pairs of shoes will be given to people in need!
Without YOU, Soles4Souls could not have changed 13 million lives around the world by providing hope through the gift of shoes. Be sure to help Soles4Souls distribute the shoes to the country you choose at www.giveshoes.org/kicks.
Wayne's hope is that this book will provide 200,000 shoes to kids around the world in 2011! Soles4Souls is asking you to join in using the book to change the world. You can help distribute shoes all across the world through a few simple methods, which you can see below. You can help Soles4Souls distribute the shoes to the country you choose atwww.giveshoes.org/kicks, this is to allow you to send and track your support to the area you feel the most passionate about.
Here is a quick glimpse into the how you can help Soles4Souls reach their goal of 200,000 pairs of shoes distributed:
Buy Two, Give One, Tell Five
• When you BUY TWO books, 20 pairs of shoes will be distributed to people in need wherever you designate.
• When you GIVE ONE, a message of hope and purpose will be given to someone you care about.
• When you TELL FIVE, you will help Soles4Souls hit our goal of giving away200,000 pairs of shoes to people in need all over the world.
Purchase your copy HERE...
Tell Five by sharing this post on your Facebook or Twitter. Use the hashtag #200kShoes. Sign up & share email updates from the book. When you do, youʼll be providing shoes to an entire village.
Hereʼs a sneak peek into Almost Isn't Good Enough:
I have a couple free copies to give away today. If you'd like a copy... just send me a twitter message requesting one. First couple to respond to @toddrhoades win!
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CS on Mon, February 07, 2011
Just basing it off of the trailer alone, I have to question the Christian element to this book. What Elsey was saying sounded more like a Napoleon Hill / Secret type of, “You can accomplish anything you put your mind to,” speech. It just so happened that his mentality led to an altruistic endeavor following success in the business world.
Is the book focused on matters of the Christian faith, or is it more about charity and self-belief-ism?
KLO on Mon, February 07, 2011
I’ve read this book, and it’s quite inspiring. I wouldn’t call it a Christian book, per se, but it is a book by a Christian who is seeking to live out God’s call on his life. He’s a believer who is motivated by the Jesus’ words, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:48). Non-Christians will use this book as a motivation behind their “charity” work, but Christians should use it to encourage them to walk the path Christ has set out before them. I highly recommend it.
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