Whoopee Cushion Life: A new sermon series featuring “Pull My Finger”
- Posted on January 24, 2011
- Viewed 1683 timess
- (34) comments

North Point Church in Springfield, MO started a new sermon series this month called "Whoopee Cushion Life". Here are the titles and the promo from the church's website:
January 15/16 - “Pull My Finger” - Sex! Sexual sin and how prevalent it is. How many people suffer from it. How dangerous it is. What the bible says about lust. How easy it is to get caught up into porn, an affair, and how easy it is for our kids to get into it.
January 22/23 - “Silent but Deadly” - The dangers of keeping your stuff/sin a secret. Too ashamed or scared to get it out there. The enemy attacks best when you live in isolation. Habits, addictions, attitudes, sin! Sin loses some of its power when you get it out in the open.
January 29/30 - “Blame it on the other guy in the elevator” - Judgmental attitudes toward people who struggle. Pharisee attitude toward pet sins like addiction and sexual sin. Log in your eye attitude.
Feburary 5/6 - “He who smelt it dealt it” - Finding accountability with others to keep you on the right track.
And here's the promo video:
Whoopee Cushion Life Teaser from North Point Church on Vimeo.
OK... what's your gut reaction? Clever sermon series, or a little too over the top?
Would you do a series like this in YOUR church?
Why or why not?
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Dee Lauderdale on Mon, January 24, 2011
While I’m no fan of this particular series title, we should remember that Bible is pretty frank, but without being crass, before hammering the pastor for his choice of words. Check out “skubala” used in Philippians 3:8. The literal translation of that word is probably worse than most people here would ever use. Hint- it’s not garbage or dung.
CS on Mon, January 24, 2011
“OK… what’s your gut reaction? Clever sermon series, or a little too over the top?”
To paraphrase Inigo Montoya, “This word, ‘sermon.’ I do not think it means what they think it means.”
Greg on Mon, January 24, 2011
At first, this strikes me as somewhat funny (in a “guy” way), but then, I think of the utter holiness of the Lord we serve, and I have to conclude that we’ve lost any sense of that holiness to degrade ourselves like this. It’s as if we think: “just preaching the gospel won’t get ‘em here; we’ve got to be edgy - even crude…” The fact is, it will, if it’s done reverently and studiously. I would not sit in a service with this sort of base theme.
Dee Lauderdale on Mon, January 24, 2011
Greg, while I agree with your statement in principle, the problem is what some pass off as “just preaching the word” either comes off as seminary lecture, exercise is seeing how loud a pastor can yell, designed to impress a preaching prof, totally disconnected from what the people are dealing with everyday or worst of all, just plain boring. To teach the Bible in a boring way is just wrong.
BTW, before you think I’m a disgrunteld church member, I’ve been a lead pastor and one of the reasons I’m not now is that I don’t have the gift of every week platform teaching. Because of this my family has been searching for a church home for a while and I’ve been amazed at what passes for preaching these days. Pretty sad stuff.
rbud on Mon, January 24, 2011
For me, philosophically and spiritually, to reduce an important gospel message to witticisms about flatulence belittles the supremacy of the gospel and insults people with flatulence related ailments. But that’s just me, I suppose; I have trouble reducing my Lord to a bumper sticker.
On the practical side, I’d have difficulty enduring four weeks of flatulence parallels and jokes. Some may consider it edgy, I consider it in extremely poor taste and insensitive, and not particularly edgy. There’s a difference.
stew carson on Mon, January 24, 2011
Reminds me of a Pete Rollins quote,
“Bonheoffer says that the priests and pastors have become the wost kind of gutter journalists. All they�re interested in is your sex life. All they�re interested in is what you�re thinking about. Your inner life, your inner, that�s where the truth is, in your inner life�No. Your truth is in how you manifest your existence in your concrete world in relation to those who are around you.”
mick on Mon, January 24, 2011
I am in total agreement with Dave, to take the Holiness of our Heavenly Father and His Living Word and dilute them to this point is un-Christlike and extremely immature. It appeals to the baseness in people when we are called to appeal to the more noble things that God has placed in them. This is especially true in a world filled with those who pander to man’s base instincts. I would find it very difficult to believe that if this “pastor” had spent any time with the HOLY Spirit, that the Spirit who testifies to Christ, actually would direct him to entitle a message like this.
Bob on Mon, January 24, 2011
Topics, yes. Titles, NO!
Steve Long on Mon, January 24, 2011
Jack, I appreciate your comments. I think you have discovered (by trial and error) what kind of teaching helps people take the Father seriously. It is a shame that He spoke his mind so eloquently through the inspired writers and we feel we must put his word and thoughts through the potty blender to accomplish His purposes. I am trying to recall when Jesus felt he had to gimmick and gag to draw the people in. The issue may be that preachers who do not have very much of worth to say have to reel em’ in with different bait.
Fred on Mon, January 24, 2011
I think that if this gets the attention of unsaved people, it will cause them to want to visit your church, so they can see for themselves what ding-a-lings look like.
Pastor Kevin on Tue, January 25, 2011
I say if you can reach people with a crazy sermon idea then go for it. I’m surprised there is so much negativity regarding doing something a little outside of the box.
McAllister on Tue, January 25, 2011
To paraphrase MONK - “nice ( sermon series) ,Professor Lame-o
Rob on Wed, January 26, 2011
I live in Springfield, MO and I must say, North Point Church is a very copycat type of church. They do try too hard and it often comes off as corny and childish. Not to mention their pastor is a 40 something that acts like a 15 year old that’s looking for acceptance. I’m sorry to be so honest and harsh but I’m entitled to my opinion.
Whoppee Cushion? Really? Could there be a more childish way to approach the topic of sex?
Danny Bixby on Fri, January 28, 2011
Keep going. The self-righteous judgemental comments only fuel NPC and makes it stronger.
One of the key metrics of the success of a series is how much it’s hated on the internet.
CS on Fri, January 28, 2011
“One of the key metrics of the success of a series is how much it’s hated on the internet.”
Or could it be that it’s hated because it’s a really dumb idea, offensive, juvenile, or otherwise atrocious?
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