Why Christians Should Have Nothing To Do With Snowmobiles
- Posted on September 07, 2007
- Viewed 880 times
- (71) comments
Perhaps it will help others to avoid this form of worldliness if I present some facts and arguments.
Snowmobiles are sinful.
Snowmobiling is a waste of time. Christians are always pleading that they haven’t got time for Bible study. They are too busy to help in the youth work at the church, etc., but they have time to go snowmobiling. Anything which takes up time better spent in spiritual things is wrong for a Christian.
Snowmobiles are harmful to those who ride them. Not only are they in danger of harming themselves, but they may do great harm to others. The finger of suspicion points straight at snowmobiles as the likely cause of increased incidences of ruptured discs necessitating spinal fusions and many other physical ills caused by being jostled and slammed up and down in a vehicle with scarcely any springs or shock absorbers.
Those who ride them like to invite their friends to join them in the sport.
Some of these not so experienced as the owners have suffered serious injuries in accidents such as broken arms and legs. We have heard of people travelling at high speed being decapitated by wire fences. Surely it is wrong for any Christian to endanger his life in a snowmobile.
Snowmobilers have a bad influence.
People who own snowmobiles and spend a lot of time with them influence others to get as glued to the sport as they are and Christians should not have such obsessions except in spiritual things things related to the Lord’s work.
Snowmobiling Leads to Worse Things.
In spite of all I have said you may not be convinced that snowmobiles are a great evil, but you cannot deny this: they could be the thin edge of the wedge of worldliness creeping in and we must guard against small beginnings.The thing may not be so bad in itself but if it leads to sin then what are we to say? In some places it seems that all trails lead to the tavern where you will see dozens of snowmobiles parked outside.Others go in for racing and of course bets are placed, so the sport brings the Christian into the company of people who gamble and drink. Some of the worst people drive snowmobiles. What part can a Christian have in this business?
The Matter of Christian Testimony
Snowmobiles are an annoyance to many people. They roar up and down polluting the air with exhaust fumes and at night their lights distract motorists and flash into people’s houses. Farmers are afraid to go out at night on their own property for fear they would be struck down. Snowmobilers have no respect for other people’s property or privacy. Any Christian wearing a snowmobile suit is therefore a poor testimony. He is bound to be a stumbling block to others. People will say “If that’s what Christians do, count me out. I’ll have nothing to do with Christianity.â€
Snowmobiles are an invention of the devil.
When the automobile, “the horseless carriage†was invented, preachers warned that it was an invention of the devil and they were laughed at. But no one can deny that the automobile brought on a weekend pleasure craze which kept thousands of people away from the churches.
How many parents regret that they ever bought an automobile or ever taught their own children to drive? Parents, knowing the dangers were always careful about how and when they used their automobiles, but their young people were reckless. Some drove too fast, killing themselves and injuring their friends. Others parked the automobile down some lovers’ lane . . .The same will be true of snowmobiles. Mark my word. So now you can understand why I will never own a snowmobile. (The fact that I cannot afford one has nothing to do with it.) Nothing could be more worldly than riding snowmobiles and a Christian is plainly told “love not the world, neither the things that are in the worldâ€.
Furthermore, I will not have fellowship or associate with snowmobilers or with those who do not own snowmobiles but are friendly toward those who do.
We would like to meet with others who feel as we do with a view to stamping out snowmobiles. If we could get enough Christians to take a strong stand on this we could form a lobby and work to get legislation enacted prohibiting the manufacture and sale of these terrible machines. We could go from there to tackling other things which take people away from the church every weekend, such as camper and larger pleasure vehicles and private airplanes.
Here is an interesting post found over at Diaphero.org on why Christians should have absolutely nothing to do with... snowmobiles. Norman street writes... Before I became a Christian I went snowmobiling most winter weekends and thoroughly enjoyed it. But now I see the pastime in a different light. True, the church I attend is against snowmobiles and to teach a Sunday School class I had to sign a consecration pledge stating that I do not own a snowmobile and will never ride one. I think that I would have come to this conclusion anyway, because anyone ought to be able to see (if he really thinks about it) that the whole sport of snowmobiling is “out of bounds†and Christians need to think twice before they do anything "just for fun."
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Leo Kendall on Mon, September 10, 2007
Lies. I have a custom snowmobile. I go to church.
89 Sea-doo on Mon, September 10, 2007
Our snowmobile club does poker runs to local churches, I even bought an El Tigre’
off a little old lady who only rode it to church on Sundays
89 Sea-doo on Mon, September 10, 2007
Just don’t ride one with flames on it.
SnoBuni on Mon, September 10, 2007
Guys calm down, ITS A JOKE!!!!!
DOUG on Mon, September 10, 2007
It’s a bunch of malarkey. I suppose motorcycles or any hobby or sport that is or can be done on Sunday is bad to your well being.
DOUG on Mon, September 10, 2007
OK, I get it ,this is a satire, well ,I’m on the defensive a little, have a few groups that want to take away some of our riding areas, It’s a touchy subject right now..
Exterminator440 on Mon, September 10, 2007
WoW, Did you fall down and hit your head or what!!!!!!!!!!!!
CodyG on Mon, September 10, 2007
I went to church a few years back never liked it so broke open the shed doors and went snowmobileing. Seriously about the church part I did go once.
skidoorevxp on Mon, September 10, 2007
ok now i have heard everything. so then i guess sleeping should be banned 2, well in my view, it should snow 24/7 so i can go explore “gods land” some more. and dig a nice trench in the snow with my 450pound sled so the animals can walk better and polutle the air with my 2 stroke so the trees have something to clean, i say let snowmobiles take over the world, muhahahahahahahahahahaha!
girlrider22 on Mon, September 10, 2007
wow… thats like saying the bible is the devil… this makes no sense what so ever, I think who ever agrees with this article is just as stupid and absent minded as the writer. Snowmobiling is amazing… maybe you should spend less time reading the bible and going to church and actually get out and enjoy life a little!!!
Roost 'Er on Mon, September 10, 2007
Yup getting together as a family to enjoy a awesome sport is truely satanic….
the true evil in this entire article is a individual or group who acts like a cult to stereotype a sport they know nothing about
your not christians YOUR JEHOBIAS
Leonard on Mon, September 10, 2007
it is a joke people
girlrider22 on Mon, September 10, 2007
its a pretty stupid joke
Supersonic_735 on Mon, September 10, 2007
I am the spawn of satan…......... And I Encourage the use of snowmobiles….............
Sell me your soul and I’ll give you a new REV XP.
runoverdaamish on Mon, September 10, 2007
If anyone joins this type of church and wants to give one of these snowmachines you talk about away. Just send me an email with directions and I will come and take care of it. Thats the least I could do. LOL
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