Orginally published on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at 9:38 AM
by Todd Rhoades
Here's a really interesting piece from Marie Claire. Essentially, the World Youth Day will draw about 500,000 young Catholics to Sydney, Australia later this summer... but Christianity, for the most part, is flailing in Australia. So, Marie Claire contacted top advertising agencies and asked them how they would market Christianity. The results are interesting. Take a look at how these agencies would 'sell salvation', and I'd love to hear your comments.
Here’s the link to look at all the campaign ideas...
What do you think? Any favorites?
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There are 46 Comments:
I love Christ!
I wonder how they advertise Christianity in China, Iran, Kazakhstan, Sudan… You don’t need to advertise bread for the hungry…
Let’s see…
-An iconographic picture emulating Christ, but instead showing Snoop Dog.
-Calling a picture of a cruicified Christ a “pin-up.”
-A picture showing a man putting down the lid of a toilet as a “miracle.”
-A depiction of Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” where Christ has been replaced with a waifish model.
Yep. I’ll call them blasphemous.
I’m not sure putting the toilet seat down qualifies, but I do think we overlook small everyday miracles. But then, if you’re a woman who’s ever fallen in the toilet because your husband never puts the seat down, maybe for you this would qualify.
Jesus on a poster with the sentiment of “Who’s the most famous person in the world?” Catholic churches already have crucifixes everywhere and most Catholic homes have at least one, why not posters? After all, don’t we want everyone to come to know Christ?
And I could live with “The thinking woman’s pinup” better than “The Ultimate Beefcake”.
Snoop Dogg? Well, I really don’t see how that image makes any sense and there’s really no justification for it anyway, he’s just not that big a deal anymore. And the last supper without Jesus is just a dinner party. That ad was also kind of senseless to me.
I kind of like the “Got Faith?” campaign idea, although I think it could be done without the woman in the bra. Most people have faith in something, even if they don’t think they do.
I’ve had someone tell me they didn’t believe in God or Jesus or “anything like that “, but when I asked them if the believed in ghosts they said, “Well, yeah, I guess so.” So I said, “So you do believe in an after-life and if you believe in an after-life, that the death of our physical bodies is not the end, and you don’t know exactly what the after-life may look like or entail, then you’ve got to admit the possibility that there is a heaven and hell”. Then we had the start of a conversation.
Jesus doesn’t have to be a Superstar, just the Savior is fine, thank you. I have a great idea for advertising’s called The Great Commission. All we have to do is follow His idea and make disciples and it will hardly cost anything. Just a little time.
But are we too busy fighting over what that means to do it?
Probably. I’m sure a lot of us are. I’m not. Making a making a disciple. Reproducing into another’s life. Like Paul said, “follow me as I follow Christ.” I don’t find that so hard. But if anyone can make it complicated and spend more time talking about it rather then doing’s certainly the church.
Nice topic. thanks
I love jesus christ. really nice topic.
Cool thing to wish. Who knows what jesus want? Nice article.
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